
Welcome to the DrugBank API! You can use our API to access DrugBank API endpoints, which can get information on drugs, drug products, and drug interactions in our database.

The DrugBank API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors, although our API libraries convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.

You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

Selecting your region

The DrugBank API is optionally filtered by region or regions of availability. The URL you use to access the API will determine the drugs, products, etc. that are returned.

If a product / drug appears in the results under a region filter, it means it is available in that region. Once a drug is no longer available (if a drug is withdrawn for example), it will no longer appear in the results.

For example, to search for available drug products by name in Canada, you would use the following URL:

To search for available drug products by name in Canada or the United States, you would use the following URL:,us&q=abacavir

The currently available regions are:

Region Region code
Austria at
Canada ca
Colombia co
European Union eu
Indonesia idn
Italy it
Malaysia my
Singapore sg
Thailand th
Turkey tr
United States us
Region Code Base URL
United States us
Canada ca
European Union eu


To authorize, use this code:

# With cURL, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Make sure to replace myapikey with your development or production API key.

DrugBank uses API keys to allow access to the API. To request an API key please contact us.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

DrugBank expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: myapikey

Production Key

Your production key is the authentication token you receive upon sign up. This key does not have a limit in regards to the amount of calls you can make. Any API calls that exceed your quota (if applicable) will be permitted but counted as overage.

Development Key

A development key is a second API key which, unlike the production key, caps the number of allowed requests at 3000 requests/month.

The request limit is to meant to prevent runwaway programs from making calls that exceed your expected usage during the development process. The development key should be kept secret and only be shared with your developers in order to ensure that if a mistake happens during programming, it can be fixed without affecting the production key.

Token Authentication

To get a token that expires in 12 hours, use this code:

curl -L -X POST '' \ 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey' \ 
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -d '{
  "ttl": 12

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJrZXlfaWQiOjk5MiwiZXhwIjoxNzE4MDQxNzg1fQ.4K2UNBPlxppfFsO7NHC9hF3qY9LZRq512EYzpiRUDlQ"

The following will request a token that expires in 15 minutes:

curl -L -X POST '' \ 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey' \ 
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -d '{
  "ttl": "15m"

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJrZXlfaWQiOjk5MiwiZXhwIjoxNzE4MDQxNzg1fQ.4K2UNBPlxppfFsO7NHC9hF3qY9LZRq512EYzpiRUDlQ"

To authorize a request using an API token, use this code:

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer mytoken'

To authorize a browser-based request using an API token, use this code:

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
const url = '';'GET', url);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer mytoken');

Alternatively you can use tokens to get access to the DrugBank APIs. Tokens allow short term access to DrugBank API without exposing your secret API key. They are guaranteed to expire within 24 hours. The use of token authentication is required for accessing DrugBank APIs from browser-based applications.

Token life time

The default expiry of a token is 24 hours after it was created. The lifetime of a token can be set with the ttl parameter on creation. When set, the ttl is the number of hours the token is valid for, with a maximum of 24 hours. If no unit is given, the ttl is assumed to be in hours. The value can also be sent as a string with a unit attached (“m” for minutes or “h” for hours). A ttl of “15m” will request a token that expires in 15 minutes.

Web browser-based application API authentication

Web browser-based applications are permitted to access the DrugBank APIs through:

All API calls, as described in this documentation, are identical – with the exception of the web address and the authentication method. Token based authentication is required to access the web compatible API.

It is recommend that tokens for use in your web browser-based applications are generated from an internal service that you can authenticate your users against. This way your secret key is not exposed and you can control who has access to your DrugBank subscription.


curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey' -v
< Link: <>; rel="next",>; rel="prev"
< X-Total-Count: 8221
< X-Per-Page: 50

Many API endpoints in the DrugBank API support pagination. Furthermore, to ensure quick response times, it is enabled by default for these endpoints.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
per_page 50 Number of results per page. Any value outside of 1-50 will result in a Bad Request error.
page 1

Response Headers

Header Description
Link URLs for the next, and prev pages, in the standard Link header format.
X-Total-Count Total number of results available.
X-Per-Page Number of results returned per page.


The DrugBank API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with DrugBank servers (these are rare).

The DrugBank API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request is invalid
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Rate Limit Exceeded – The API is rate limited to 100 requests per second, per client. Try again later.
404 Not Found – The specified resource could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access a resource with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
410 Gone – The resource requested has been removed from our servers
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.

Content Types

Response Body

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey' -H 'Accept: application/json'

In the DrugBank V1 API, response format will default to JSON. At the moment, this is the only format available. To specify JSON format, you can set the Accept header to Accept: application/json. You can also use the .json file extension to specify that json encoding is desired.

Request Headers

Header Description
Accept Requested MIME type of response.

Response Headers

Header Description
Content-Type MIME type of the response body.

Request Body

curl -L -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: myapikey' \
-H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '{
  "ndc": ["0143-9503", "0056-0173"],
  "drugbank_id": ["DB00503", "DB01221", "DB00331", "DB00819"],
  "product_concept_id": ["DBPC0024484", "DBPC0085378"]

For API calls which use a POST request to send data to the DrugBank API (such as when finding drug-drug interactions with mixed input), the request must set an appropriate Content-Type header.

Request Headers

Header Description
Content-Type MIME type of request body.

Drug Search / Autocomplete

Medication Search Plugin

Our medication search plugin provides a “plug and play” alternative to implementing our medication name search endpoint:

As a standard web component, it is easy to integrate and style to suit your needs and comes with a number of available properties to fine-tune its functionality. This plugin can be used together with our Drug-Drug Interactions Plugin. For more information, please see this public repository.

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "hits": [
        "value": "<em>Acetamino</em>phen"
        "value": "<em>ACETAMINO</em>FEN JARABE"
    "detailed_hits": [
        "field": "title",
        "matches": [
        "match_highlight_name": "<em>Acetamino</em>phen"
        "field": "ingredients",
        "matches": {
          "DB00316": [
        "match_highlight_name": "<em>Acetamino</em>phen"
    "name": "Acetaminophen",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0180857",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 1,
    "route": null,
    "form": null,
    "strengths": null,
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
    "standing_active_since": "1950-01-01",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": true,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": true,
      "colombia": true,
      "turkey": true,
      "italy": true,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": true,
      "indonesia": true,
      "thailand": true,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [
        "name": "acetaminophen",
        "RXCUI": "161"
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Acetaminophen",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Acetaminophen",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00316"

Medication name search allows you to quickly search for product concepts. Like the most of the DrugBank API, the returned concepts can be filtered by region using a the region parameter like /v1/product_concepts?region=us.

By default, the search returns only top-level product concepts - concepts without route, form or strength information. Lower level concepts can be found using the level, min_level, and max_level parameters.

Search is performed by passing in a full-text search parameter q. The search results are suitable for search-as-you-type. The query parameter is used to search brand names, ingredient names and synonyms as well as ingredient names and synonyms. When query_type=advanced is used, basic boolean operations are possible in the string. Alternatively, query_type=exact can be used to return only concepts that contain exact matches to the query string.

Each result includes a hits array, which lists the best matched descriptors (brand, ingredient, and/or product names and synonyms) for that concept. These are useful for facilitating search-as-you-type queries. Adding the hit_details=true parameter will also return a detailed_hits array that gives further information on how the matches were obtained.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q The text-search query string.
query_type simple If set to advanced, allows basic boolean operations in the query parameter q. If set to exact, only returns product concepts containing an exact match to the query string q.
hit_details false If set to true, returns additional information on matched brands/ingredients/products for the concept.
level The product concept level to filter by (optional).
min_level The minimum product concept level to return (optional).
max_level The maximum product concept level to return (optional).
unbranded_only false If true, returns only product concepts without an associated brand.
always_ingredients true If true, only returns product concepts with ingredients. Set to false to return all product concepts.
include_allergens false Include allergen product concepts in the results.
include_vaccines true Include vaccine product concepts in the results.
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

Example Queries

Query Type Description
lido simple Product concepts which contain “lido” in the search terms (eg: “Lidocaine”).
abac -sulf advanced Product concepts which contain “abac” but not “sulf” (eg: “Abacavir” but not “Abacavir Sulfate”).
abac -sulf simple Product concepts which contain “abac” and “-sulf” (“Abacavir-sulfate”).
abac lam simple Product concepts which contain both “abac” and “lam” (eg: “Abacavir / Lamivudine”).

Drug name search returns a list of drugs/product information suitable for use with autocomplete forms, for quickly finding the right drugs/products.

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "products": [
      "hits": [
          "field": "name",
          "value": "<em>Lipitor</em>"
          "field": "prescribable_name",
          "value": "<em>Lipitor</em> 80 mg Oral Tablet"
      "name": "Lipitor",
      "prescribable_name": "Lipitor 80 mg Oral Tablet",
      "country": "Canada",
      "ndc_product_codes": null,
      "dpd_codes": [
      "ema_product_codes": null,
      "ema_ma_numbers": null,
      "pzns": [],
      "co_product_ids": [],
      "tr_product_ids": [],
      "it_product_ids": [],
      "my_product_ids": [],
      "at_product_ids": [],
      "idn_product_ids": [],
      "th_product_ids": [],
      "sg_product_ids": [],
      "mx_registration_ids": [],
      "mx_product_ids": [],
      "dosage_form": "Tablet",
      "strength": {
        "number": "80",
        "unit": "mg"
      "route": "Oral",
      "approved": true,
      "unapproved": false,
      "generic": false,
      "otc": false,
      "mixture": false,
      "allergen": false,
      "vaccine": false,
      "ingredients": [
          "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
          "name": "Atorvastatin",
          "cas": "134523-00-5",
          "strength": {
            "number": "80",
            "unit": "mg"
      "images": []
      "hits": [
          "field": "name",
          "value": "<em>Lipitor</em>"
          "field": "prescribable_name",
          "value": "<em>Lipitor</em> 20 mg Oral Tablet"
      "name": "Lipitor",
      "prescribable_name": "Lipitor 20 mg Oral Tablet",
      "rx_norm_prescribable_name": "Lipitor 20 MG Oral Tablet",
      "country": "US",
      "ndc_product_codes": [
      "dpd_codes": null,
      "ema_product_codes": null,
      "ema_ma_numbers": null,
      "pzns": [],
      "co_product_ids": [],
      "tr_product_ids": [],
      "it_product_ids": [],
      "my_product_ids": [],
      "at_product_ids": [],
      "idn_product_ids": [],
      "th_product_ids": [],
      "sg_product_ids": [],
      "mx_registration_ids": [],
      "mx_product_ids": [],
      "dosage_form": "Tablet, film coated",
      "strength": {
        "number": "20",
        "unit": "mg/1"
      "route": "Oral",
      "approved": true,
      "unapproved": false,
      "generic": false,
      "otc": false,
      "mixture": false,
      "allergen": false,
      "vaccine": false,
      "ingredients": [
          "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
          "name": "Atorvastatin",
          "cas": "134523-00-5",
          "strength": {
            "number": "20",
            "unit": "mg/1"
      "images": [
          "ndc_id": "49299-1091",
          "description": "atorvastatin 20 MG Oral Tablet [Lipitor]",
          "image_url_original": "//",
          "image_url_tiny": "//",
          "image_url_thumb": "//",
          "image_url_medium": "//"
          "ndc_id": "54569-4467",
          "description": "atorvastatin 20 MG Oral Tablet [Lipitor]",
          "image_url_original": "//",
          "image_url_tiny": "//",
          "image_url_thumb": "//",
          "image_url_medium": "//"

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q null The string you want to search with.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see fuzzy searching below).
include_allergens false If set to true, include allergen products in the results.
include_vaccines true If set to true, include vaccine products in the results.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product ingredients.

Notice the hits array returned in the results. The hits contain highlighted snippets from the match. You can use these highlights in autocomplete applications. The matching part of the text is wrapped in an <em> tag, which you can style as you wish in your application. Note that the hits only contain the product name, and thus will not have a highlighted snippet if the query matches an ingredient not listed in the product name.

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "products": [
      "hits": [
          "field": "name",
          "value": "<em>Lipitor</em> 10 mg Oral Tablet"
      "name": "Lipitor 10 mg Oral Tablet",
      "rx_norm_name": "Lipitor 10 MG Oral Tablet",
      "country": "US",
      "brands": [
      "ndc_product_codes": [
      "dpd_codes": null,
      "ema_product_codes": null,
      "ema_ma_numbers": null,
      "pzns": [],
      "co_product_ids": [],
      "tr_product_ids": [],
      "it_product_ids": [],
      "my_product_ids": [],
      "at_product_ids": [],
      "idn_product_ids": [],
      "th_product_ids": [],
      "sg_product_ids": [],
      "mx_registration_ids": [],
      "mx_product_ids": [],
      "dosage_forms": [
        "Tablet, film coated"
      "strength_number": "10",
      "strength_unit": "mg/1",
      "dosage_form": [
        "Tablet, film coated"
      "route": "Oral",
      "approved": true,
      "unapproved": false,
      "generic": false,
      "otc": false,
      "mixture": false,
      "allergen": false,
      "vaccine": false,
      "ingredients": [
          "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
          "name": "Atorvastatin",
          "cas": "134523-00-5",
          "strength_number": "10",
          "strength_unit": "mg/1"
      "hits": [
          "field": "name",
          "value": "<em>Lipitor</em> 20 mg Oral Tablet"
      "name": "Lipitor 20 mg Oral Tablet",
      "country": "Malaysia",
      "brands": [
      "ndc_product_codes": null,
      "dpd_codes": null,
      "ema_product_codes": null,
      "ema_ma_numbers": null,
      "pzns": [],
      "co_product_ids": [],
      "tr_product_ids": [],
      "it_product_ids": [],
      "my_product_ids": [
      "at_product_ids": [],
      "idn_product_ids": [],
      "th_product_ids": [],
      "sg_product_ids": [],
      "mx_registration_ids": [],
      "mx_product_ids": [],
      "dosage_forms": [
      "strength_number": "20",
      "strength_unit": "MG",
      "dosage_form": [
      "route": "Oral",
      "approved": true,
      "unapproved": false,
      "generic": false,
      "otc": false,
      "mixture": false,
      "allergen": false,
      "vaccine": false,
      "ingredients": [
          "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
          "name": "Atorvastatin",
          "cas": "134523-00-5",
          "strength_number": "20",
          "strength_unit": "MG"

Prescribable name (simple) search uses the concept of a prescribable name, the normalized, most common name used to describe a medication. The results of this search will not contain multiple brand names for a given drug. Instead the prescribable name will be unique for a dosage strength/form and a name. Product codes and brand names will be listed for each matched prescribable name.

This type of search is useful when logging medications a customer/patient may be taking. You can combine a name and a dosage strength to quickly filter your search. For example searching for lipitor 20 mg will quickly return the most likely drug that the individual is taking.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q null The string you want to search with.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see fuzzy searching below).
include_allergens false If set to true, include allergen products in the results.
include_vaccines true If set to true, include vaccine products in the results.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product ingredients.

Notice the hits array returned in the results. The hits contain highlighted snippets from the match. You can use these highlights in autocomplete applications. The matching part of the text is wrapped in an <em> tag, which you can style as you wish in your application. Note that the hits only contain the prescribable name, and thus will not have a highlighted snippet if the query matches an ingredient not listed in the prescribable name.

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "hits": [
        "field": "name.autocomplete",
        "value": "<em>Acetaminophen</em>"
        "field": "synonyms",
        "value": "<em>Acetaminophen</em>"
    "drugbank_id": "DB00316",
    "name": "Acetaminophen",
    "cas_number": "103-90-2"

This endpoint searches and returns drug ingredients only. The results of this search will not contain drug product information, such as brand names or dosage strength/form (see Drug Name Search or Prescribable Name Search). This type of search is useful for looking up information for compounding drugs, drug products outside of our covered regions, or to quickly find the DrugBank ID and simple descriptions for a drug ingredient.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q null The string you want to search with.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see fuzzy searching below).
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the ingredients.

Notice the hits array returned in the results. The hits contain highlighted snippets from the match. You can use these highlights in autocomplete applications. The matching part of the text is wrapped in an <em> tag, which you can style as you wish in your application. Note that the hits encompass the drug ingredient in question, any salts thereof, and any synonyms captured within DrugBank.

Fuzzy Searching

This example demonstrates a misspelling of “Advil”, with fuzzy search enabled you will still get a result (try it yourself!).

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Fuzzy searching allows for misspellings, but is not enabled by default, you must set fuzzy=true. By setting fuzzy=true you are telling the API to allow a certain number of misspellings to still count as a match (defaults to 2). You can also pass a number of misspellings (0, 1, or 2) in to tailor the likelihood of a match (for example, fuzzy=1 will allow 1 misspelled letter).


Common Parameters

The following parameters can be applied when retrieving any product.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
drug_details false If true, returns the full details for the drug ingredients, otherwise just the drug name and DrugBank ID are returned. Requires access to the Drugs endpoint to use. Note that if used, the include_simple_desc and include_clinical_desc parameters will be ignored since the descriptions are already included in the drug details.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_references false If true, includes the lists of references for the drug ingredients. Note that you also have to specify drug_details=true to see this data. See References for details.

Related products can be retrieved by appending an endpoint to the url in the following format:<ID>/related/<type>

For example:<ID>/related/generics

Type Description
generics Returns a list of generic i.e. unbranded versions of the product.

Regional Products

Products are identified in different ways in different regions. Here is the list of unique identifier fields for all the currently supported regions.

Region Region Code Product ID Field Local Product ID Example
Austria at at_product_id MA number 16965
Canada ca dpd DIN 2341093
Colombia co co_product_id Invima ID INVIMA M-012422
European Union eu ema_ma_number EU MA number EU/1/04/276/001
European Union eu ema_product_code Product number EMEA/H/C/000471
Indonesia idn idn_product_id Nomor registrasi GKL0122234837A1
Italy it it_product_id AIC 038835056
Malaysia my my_product_id Registration no. MAL12115054ACZ
Singapore sg sg_product_id Licence no. SIN11734P
Thailand th th_product_id Registration no. 1C 95/60(N)
Turkey tr tr_product_id Barcode 8699508150243
United States us ndc 9-digit NDC 0169-5174

Get a specific regional product

Get a specific US product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "ndc_product_code": "50090-5181",
  "originator_ndc_product_code": "50090-5181",
  "dpd_id": null,
  "ema_product_code": null,
  "ema_ma_number": null,
  "pzn": null,
  "co_product_id": null,
  "tr_product_id": null,
  "it_product_id": null,
  "my_product_id": null,
  "at_product_id": null,
  "idn_product_id": null,
  "th_product_id": null,
  "sg_product_id": null,
  "mx_registration_id": null,
  "mx_product_id": null,
  "name": "Atorvastatin Calcium",
  "prescribable_name": "Atorvastatin calcium trihydrate 20 mg Oral Tablet",
  "rx_norm_prescribable_name": "atorvastatin calcium 20 MG Oral Tablet",
  "started_marketing_on": "2018-12-23",
  "ended_marketing_on": null,
  "approved_on": null,
  "schedule": null,
  "dosage_form": "Tablet, film coated",
  "route": "Oral",
  "application_number": "ANDA209288",
  "generic": true,
  "otc": false,
  "approved": true,
  "country": "US",
  "mixture": false,
  "allergenic": false,
  "cosmetic": false,
  "vaccine": false,
  "ingredients": [
      "drug": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
        "name": "Atorvastatin",
        "cas_number": "134523-00-5",
        "annotation_status": "complete",
        "availability_by_region": [
            "region": "ca",
            "max_phase": 4,
            "marketed_prescription": true,
            "generic_available": true,
            "pre_market_cancelled": false,
            "post_market_cancelled": false
            "region": "us",
            "max_phase": 4,
            "marketed_prescription": true,
            "generic_available": true,
            "pre_market_cancelled": false,
            "post_market_cancelled": false
        "description": "Atorvastatin (Lipitor®), is a lipid-lowering drug included in the statin class of medications...",
        "simple_description": "A medication used to lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the chance of having a heart attack or stroke.",
        "clinical_description": "An HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor used to lower lipid levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease including myocardial infarction and stroke.",
        "synonyms": [
        "pharmacology": {
          "indication_description": "Atorvastatin is indicated for the treatment of several types of dyslipidemias, including primary hyperlipidemia and mixed dyslipidemia in adults, hyper...",
          "pharmacodynamic_description": "Atorvastatin is an oral antilipemic agent that reversibly inhibits HMG-CoA reductase...",
          "mechanism_of_action_description": "Atorvastatin is a statin medication and a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A) reductase, which catalyze...",
          "absorption": "Atorvastatin presents a dose-dependent and non-linear pharmacokinetic profile...",
          "protein_binding": "Atorvastatin is highly bound to plasma proteins and over 98% of the administered dose is found in a bound form.[F4670,F4673]",
          "volume_of_distribution": [
            "The reported volume of distribution of atorvastatin is of 380 L.[F4670,F4673]"
          "clearance": [
            "The registered total plasma clearance of atorvastatin is of 625 ml/min.[A19474]"
          "half_life": "The half-life of atorvastatin is 14 hours while the half-life of its metabolites can reach up to 30 hours.[F4670,F4673]",
          "route_of_elimination": "Atorvastatin and its metabolites are mainly eliminated in the bile without enterohepatic recirculation...",
          "toxicity_description": "The reported LD50 of oral atorvastatin in mice is higher than 5000 mg/kg..."
        "food_interactions": [
          "Avoid grapefruit products. Grapefruit products may increase the risk for atorvastatin related adverse effects such as myopathy and rhabdomyolysis.",
          "Take with or without food. Food decreases absorption but not to a clinically significant extent."
        "identifiers": {
          "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
          "inchi": "InChI=1S/C33H35FN2O5/c1-21(2)31-30(33(41)35-25-11-7-4-8-12-25)29(22-9-5-3-6-10-22)32(23-13-15-24(34)16-14-23)36(31)18-17-26(37)19-27(38)20-28(39)40/h3-...",
          "inchikey": "XUKUURHRXDUEBC-KAYWLYCHSA-N",
          "atc_codes": [
              "code": "C10BA05",
              "title": "atorvastatin and ezetimibe",
              "combination": true
              "code": "C10BX11",
              "title": "atorvastatin, amlodipine and perindopril",
              "combination": true
        "therapeutic_categories": [
            "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000391",
            "name": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors",
            "mesh_id": "D019161",
            "mesh_tree_numbers": [
            "atc_code": "C10AA",
            "atc_level": 4,
            "synonyms": [
              "HMG Co A Reductase Inhibitors",
              "HMG Co A Statins",
            "description": "Compounds that inhibit HMG-CoA reductases. They have been shown to directly lower cholesterol synthesis."
            "drugbank_id": "DBCAT005158",
            "name": "Hypolipidemic Agents Indicated for Hyperlipidemia",
            "mesh_id": null,
            "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
            "atc_code": null,
            "atc_level": null,
            "synonyms": [
              "Lipid-Regulating Agents Indicated for Dyslipidemia"
            "description": "Agents that have been assigned indications for the lowering of serum lipid levels..."
      "strength": {
        "number": "20",
        "unit": "mg/1"
  "therapeutic_categories": [
      "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000391",
      "name": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors",
      "mesh_id": "D019161",
      "mesh_tree_numbers": [
      "atc_code": "C10AA",
      "atc_level": 4,
      "synonyms": [
        "HMG Co A Reductase Inhibitors",
        "HMG Co A Statins",
      "description": "Compounds that inhibit HMG-CoA reductases. They have been shown to directly lower cholesterol synthesis."
      "drugbank_id": "DBCAT005158",
      "name": "Hypolipidemic Agents Indicated for Hyperlipidemia",
      "mesh_id": null,
      "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
      "atc_code": null,
      "atc_level": null,
      "synonyms": [
        "Lipid-Regulating Agents Indicated for Dyslipidemia"
      "description": "Agents that have been assigned indications for the lowering of serum lipid levels..."
  "labeller": {
    "name": "A-S Medication Solutions"
  "images": []

This endpoint retrieves a specific drug product based on LOCAL PRODUCT ID corresponding to your region.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID.

Query Parameters

See Common Parameters.

Get a specific regional product for multi-region subscribers

Get a specific US product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "ndc_product_code": "50090-5181",
  "originator_ndc_product_code": "50090-5181",
  "dpd_id": null,
  "ema_product_code": null,
  "ema_ma_number": null,
  "name": "Atorvastatin Calcium",
  "prescribable_name": "Atorvastatin calcium trihydrate 20 mg Oral Tablet",
  "rx_norm_prescribable_name": "atorvastatin calcium 20 MG Oral Tablet",
  "started_marketing_on": "2018-12-23",
  "ended_marketing_on": null,
  "approved_on": null,
  "schedule": null,
  "dosage_form": "Tablet, film coated",
  "route": "Oral",
  "application_number": "ANDA209288",
  "generic": true,
  "otc": false,
  "approved": true,
  "country": "US",
  "mixture": false,
  "allergenic": false,
  "cosmetic": false,
  "vaccine": false,
  "ingredients": [
      "name": "Atorvastatin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB01076",
      "strength": {
        "number": "20",
        "unit": "mg/1"
  "therapeutic_categories": [
      "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000391",
      "name": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors",
      "mesh_id": "D019161",
      "mesh_tree_numbers": [
      "atc_code": "C10AA",
      "atc_level": 4,
      "synonyms": [
        "HMG Co A Reductase Inhibitors",
        "HMG Co A Statins",
      "description": "Compounds that inhibit HMG-CoA reductases. They have been shown to directly lower cholesterol synthesis."
      "drugbank_id": "DBCAT005158",
      "name": "Hypolipidemic Agents Indicated for Hyperlipidemia",
      "mesh_id": null,
      "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
      "atc_code": null,
      "atc_level": null,
      "synonyms": [
        "Lipid-Regulating Agents Indicated for Dyslipidemia"
      "description": "Agents that have been assigned indications for the lowering of serum lipid levels..."
  "labeller": {
    "name": "A-S Medication Solutions"
  "images": []

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
region all subscribed regions MUST be set to the region that corresponds to the Local Product ID

Get a list of E.U. products by product code

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ndc_product_code": null,
    "originator_ndc_product_code": null,
    "dpd_id": null,
    "ema_product_code": "EMEA/H/C/000287",
    "ema_ma_number": "EU/1/99/125/001",
    "name": "Zyprexa Velotab",
    "prescribable_name": "Zyprexa 5 mg Disintegrating Oral Tablet",
    "started_marketing_on": "2016-09-08",
    "ended_marketing_on": null,
    "approved_on": null,
    "schedule": null,
    "dosage_form": "Tablet, orally disintegrating",
    "route": "Oral",
    "application_number": null,
    "generic": false,
    "otc": false,
    "approved": true,
    "country": "EU",
    "mixture": false,
    "allergenic": false,
    "cosmetic": false,
    "vaccine": false,
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Olanzapine",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00334",
        "strength": {
          "number": "5",
          "unit": "mg"
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000529",
        "name": "Antipsychotic Agents",
        "mesh_id": "D014150",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "N05A",
        "atc_level": 3,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents, Antipsychotic",
          "Agents, Major Tranquilizing",
        "description": "Agents that control agitated psychotic behavior, alleviate acute psychotic states, reduce psychotic symptoms, and exert a quieting effect..."
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT002673",
        "name": "Antipsychotic Agents (Second Generation [Atypical])",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [
          "Atypical Antipsychotic",
          "Atypical Antipsychotic Agents",
        "description": null
    "labeller": {
      "name": "Eli Lilly Nederland B.V."

This endpoint retrieves a list of drug products based on EMA Product ID (European Medicines Agency ID). These products will have mostly the same information, although route, form and strengths may vary.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The EMA ID of the product to retrieve.

Query Parameters

See Common Parameters.

Get categories for a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003935",
    "name": "Agents Causing Muscle Toxicity",
    "mesh_id": null,
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
    "atc_code": null,
    "atc_level": null,
    "categorization_kind": "indexing",
    "synonyms": [
      "Agents causing myopathy",
      "Agents causing rhabdomyolysis",
    "description": "Agents that cause muscle disorders including significant elevations of serum creatine kinase (CK), myopathy, myalgia, myositis, and rhabdomyolysis."

Returns an array of categories for a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products.

The category type atc or mesh can be appended on to the end of the url to specify which hierarchy to retrieve the categories from. If left blank, DrugBank categories will be returned.

This endpoint supports pagination.

See Common Category Query Parameter Values for query parameters that affect the results of this request.

Shows all products for the drug regardless of the value of source, but parent/child relationships will be limited based on source.

HTTP Request

GET<LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID>/categories/<hierarchy (optional)>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the categories.

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID The Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the categories.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
categorization_kind The categorization kind to filter by (optional).

Get product concepts linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Atorvastatin 20 mg",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0031544",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 2,
    "route": null,
    "form": null,
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
    "standing_active_since": "1996-12-17",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": true,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": true,
      "colombia": true,
      "turkey": true,
      "italy": true,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": true,
      "indonesia": true,
      "thailand": true,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Atorvastatin",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Atorvastatin",
          "drugbank_id": "DB01076"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"

This endpoint retrieves a list of product concepts linked to a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked product concepts.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
level The product concept level to filter by (optional).
min_level The minimum product concept level to return (optional).
min_level The maximum product concept level to return (optional).
unbranded_only false If true, returns only product concepts without an associated brand.

Get indications linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "kind": "used_as_adjunct_in_combination_to_manage",
    "off_label": false,
    "otc_use": false,
    "adjunct_use": true,
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [
    "dose_strength": [],
    "combination_type": "regimen",
    "age_groups": [
    "drug": {
      "name": "Inclisiran",
      "drugbank_id": "DB14901"
    "regions": "US",
    "min_age": {
      "amount": 18,
      "unit": "year"
    "condition": {
      "name": "Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0078488",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10051615",
      "snomed_id": "d/300423010",
      "icd10_id": "c/I25.1"
    "with_therapies": [
        "name": "Diet",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0034841",
        "snomed_id": "d/493104010",
        "icd10_id": "c/Z71.3"
    "combination_drug_categories": [
        "name": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000391",
        "mesh_id": "D019161"

This endpoint retrieves a list of indications linked to a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked indications.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications.
adjunct_use null Limits results by the value of the adjunct_use attribute of the indications.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications.

Get product concepts with similar indications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "similar_indications": [
      "product_concept": {
        "name": "Dapagliflozin Oral Tablet, film coated",
        "display_name": null,
        "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0000198",
        "brand": null,
        "level": 3,
        "route": "Oral",
        "form": "Tablet, film coated",
        "strengths": null,
        "standing": "active",
        "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
        "standing_active_since": "2008-01-14",
        "regions": {
          "us": true,
          "canada": false,
          "eu": true,
          "germany": false,
          "colombia": false,
          "turkey": true,
          "italy": true,
          "malaysia": true,
          "austria": true,
          "indonesia": false,
          "thailand": false,
          "singapore": true,
          "mexico": false
        "rxnorm_concepts": [
            "name": "dapagliflozin Oral Tablet",
            "RXCUI": "1488568"
        "ingredients": [
            "name": "Dapagliflozin",
            "drug": {
              "name": "Dapagliflozin",
              "drugbank_id": "DB06292"
      "from": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Hospitalizations",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_prevention_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Icosapent ethyl",
            "drugbank_id": "DB08887"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Hospitalizations",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10054112",
            "snomed_id": "c/394656005"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Cardiovascular Events",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0048671",
              "snomed_id": "d/2157405016",
              "icd10_id": "c/I24.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Diabetes Mellitus",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027886",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10012601",
              "snomed_id": "d/121589010"
              "name": "CVD Risk Factors",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0076881",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10078955",
              "icd10_id": "c/Z91.89"
          "adjunct_drug_categories": [
              "name": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000391",
              "mesh_id": "D019161"
      "to": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Hospitalizations",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "prevention_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Dapagliflozin",
            "drugbank_id": "DB06292"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Hospitalizations",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10054112",
            "snomed_id": "c/394656005"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Heart Failure",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027920",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10019285",
              "snomed_id": "d/2969213019",
              "icd10_id": "c/I50.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0029752",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10045242",
              "snomed_id": "d/292566010",
              "icd10_id": "c/E11"
              "name": "Established cardiovascular disease",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0106958",
              "icd10_id": "c/I51.9"
      "product_concept": {
        "name": "Dapagliflozin Oral Tablet",
        "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0132646",
        "level": 3,
        "route": "Oral",
        "form": "Tablet",
        "standing": "active",
        "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
        "standing_active_since": "2013-03-23",
        "regions": {
          "us": false,
          "canada": true,
          "eu": false,
          "germany": false,
          "colombia": false,
          "turkey": false,
          "italy": false,
          "malaysia": false,
          "austria": false,
          "indonesia": false,
          "thailand": false,
          "singapore": false,
          "mexico": true
        "rxnorm_concepts": [],
        "ingredients": [
            "name": "Dapagliflozin",
            "drug": {
              "name": "Dapagliflozin",
              "drugbank_id": "DB06292"
      "from": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Hospitalizations",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_prevention_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Icosapent ethyl",
            "drugbank_id": "DB08887"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Hospitalizations",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10054112",
            "snomed_id": "c/394656005"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Cardiovascular Events",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0048671",
              "snomed_id": "d/2157405016",
              "icd10_id": "c/I24.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Diabetes Mellitus",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027886",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10012601",
              "snomed_id": "d/121589010"
              "name": "CVD Risk Factors",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0076881",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10078955",
              "icd10_id": "c/Z91.89"
          "adjunct_drug_categories": [
              "name": "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000391",
              "mesh_id": "D019161"
      "to": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Hospitalizations",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "prevention_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Dapagliflozin",
            "drugbank_id": "DB06292"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Hospitalizations",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0105072",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10054112",
            "snomed_id": "c/394656005"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Heart Failure",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027920",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10019285",
              "snomed_id": "d/2969213019",
              "icd10_id": "c/I50.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0029752",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10045242",
              "snomed_id": "d/292566010",
              "icd10_id": "c/E11"
              "name": "Established cardiovascular disease",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0106958",
              "icd10_id": "c/I51.9"

This endpoint retrieves a list of product concepts which have indications similar to the indications of the provided product.

The results are returned as a JSON object with a “similar_indications” property containing an array of objects representing similar product concepts. Each object in this array has three properties: product_concept (the similar product_concept), from, and to.

From and to describe the relationship between the input product concept and the similar product concept. From and to both contain the same two properties:

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked product concepts with similar indications.

Get drug-drug interactions for a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "product_ingredient": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB00316",
      "name": "Acetaminophen"
    "affected_product_ingredient": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB01281",
      "name": "Abatacept"
    "description": "The metabolism of Acetaminophen can be increased when combined with Abatacept.",
    "extended_description": "The formation of CYP450 enzymes is inhibited by the presence of increased levels of cytokines during chronic inflammation...",
    "action": "increase_dynamics",
    "severity": "moderate",
    "subject_dosage": "",
    "affected_dosage": "",
    "evidence_level": "level_1",
    "management": "When treatment with agents that reduce cytokine levels is initiated or discontinued, monitor for reduced efficacy of drugs that are CYP1A2 substrates a..."

This endpoint retrieves a list of drug-drug interactions linked to a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products. The product_ingredient refers to the interacting ingredient in the specified product, while the affected_product_ingredient is the drug it interacts with. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked interactions.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
severity null Limits results by the severity of the interactions. May be major, moderate, or minor.
evidence_level null Limits results by the evidence level of the interactions. May be level_1 or level_2.
available_only false If true, only includes interactions with currently available drugs. If a region is specified, the drugs must also be available in that region.
include_references false If true, includes the references for each interaction. See References for details on the format.

Get adverse effects linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Acetaminophen",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "evidence_type": [
    "admin": "multiple dose",
    "regions": "US",
    "age_groups": [
    "incidences": [
        "kind": "experimental",
        "percent": "34%"
        "kind": "placebo",
        "percent": "31%"
    "effect": {
      "name": "Nausea",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0010699",
      "meddra_id": "pt/10028813",
      "snomed_id": "d/122688013",
      "icd10_id": "c/R11.0"

This endpoint retrieves a list of adverse effects linked to a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked adverse effects.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description


false If true, includes the list of references for each adverse effect associated with this product. See References for details.

Get contraindications linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Caffeine",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00201"
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "hypersensitivity": [
    "lab_values": [],
    "recommended_actions": [],
    "regions": "US"

This endpoint retrieves a list of contraindications linked to a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked contraindications.

Get boxed warnings linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Caffeine",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00201"
    "kind": "warning",
    "lab_values": [],
    "route": [],
    "dose_form": [],
    "risk": {
      "name": "Cerebral Ischemia",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031659",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10008120",
      "snomed_id": "d/427284014",
      "icd10_id": "c/I67.82"
    "with_drugs": [
        "name": "Ergotamine",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00696"
    "with_categories": [
        "name": "Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A4 Inhibitors (strong)",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT002647"

This endpoint retrieves a list of boxed warnings (Black Box warnings) linked to a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. See Regional Products. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked boxed_warnings.

Get packages for a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "package_ndc_code": "63304-0803-30",
    "originator_package_ndc_code": "63304-803-30",
    "description": "30 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "full_description": "30 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "amount": "30",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "BOTTLE"
    "package_ndc_code": "63304-0803-05",
    "originator_package_ndc_code": "63304-803-05",
    "description": "500 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "full_description": "500 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "amount": "500",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "BOTTLE"

This endpoint retrieves a list of top level packages for a product, based on the Local Product ID of your region. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the packages.

Get the most current FDA label for a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "id": "5a42290a-810c-427c-a406-2df70a02c372",
  "set_id": "81f3847f-99e8-4ff3-ad18-f8b8e1c54238",
  "version": 1,
  "current": true,
  "title": "Tylenol Extra Strength - Acetaminophen LIQUID",
  "product_type": "HUMAN OTC DRUG LABEL",
  "effective_on": "2012-12-10",
  "labeler_name": "McNeil Consumer Healthcare Div. McNeil-PPC, Inc",
  "drugbank_status": "processed",
  "first_product_marketing_started_on": "1998-04-01",
  "last_product_marketing_ended_on": "2012-10-31",
  "pmg_section_count": 6,
  "hpi_section_count": 10,
  "sli_section_count": 2,
  "all_section_count": 17,
  "abuse": null,
  "accessories": null,
  "active_ingredient": "<section id=\"section-2\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"55106-9\"><h1>Active ingredient (in each 15 mL = 1 tablespoon)</h1>\n<div class=\"conte...",
  "adverse_reactions": null,
  "alarms": null,
  "animal_pharmacology_and_or_toxicology": null,
  "ask_doctor": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "ask_doctor_or_pharmacist": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "assembly_or_installation_instructions": null,
  "boxed_warning": null,
  "calibration_instructions": null,
  "carcinogenesis_and_mutagenesis_and_impairment_of_fertility": null,
  "cleaning": null,
  "clinical_pharmacology": null,
  "clinical_studies": null,
  "compatible_accessories": null,
  "components": null,
  "contraindications": null,
  "controlled_substance": null,
  "dependence": null,
  "description": null,
  "diagram_of_device": null,
  "disposal_and_waste_handling": null,
  "do_not_use": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "dosage_and_administration": "<section id=\"section-6\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34068-7\"><h1>Directions</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\">\n<ul class=\"sq...",
  "dosage_forms_and_strengths": null,
  "drug_abuse_and_dependence": null,
  "drug_interactions": null,
  "drug_and_or_laboratory_test_interactions": null,
  "environmental_warning": null,
  "food_safety_warning": null,
  "general_precautions": null,
  "geriatric_use": null,
  "guaranteed_analysis_of_feed": null,
  "health_care_provider_letter": null,
  "health_claim": null,
  "how_supplied": null,
  "inactive_ingredient": "<section id=\"section-8\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"51727-6\"><h1>Inactive ingredients</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p>a...",
  "indications_and_usage": "<section id=\"section-4\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34067-9\"><h1>Uses</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><ul class=\"square\">\n...",
  "information_for_owners_or_caregivers": null,
  "information_for_patients": null,
  "instructions_for_use": null,
  "intended_use_of_the_device": null,
  "keep_out_of_reach_of_children": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "labor_and_delivery": null,
  "laboratory_tests": null,
  "mechanism_of_action": null,
  "microbiology": null,
  "nonclinical_toxicology": null,
  "nonteratogenic_effects": null,
  "nursing_mothers": null,
  "other_safety_information": null,
  "overdosage": null,
  "package_label_principal_display_panel": "<section id=\"section-10\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"51945-4\"><h1>PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\">...",
  "patient_medication_information": null,
  "pediatric_use": null,
  "pharmacodynamics": null,
  "pharmacogenomics": null,
  "pharmacokinetics": null,
  "precautions": null,
  "pregnancy": null,
  "pregnancy_or_breast_feeding": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "purpose": "<section id=\"section-3\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"55105-1\"><h1>Purpose</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p>Pain reliever/...",
  "questions": "<section id=\"section-9\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"53413-1\"><h1>Questions or comments?</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p...",
  "recent_major_changes": null,
  "references": null,
  "residue_warning": null,
  "risks": null,
  "route": null,
  "safe_handling_warning": null,
  "spl_indexing_data_elements": null,
  "spl_medguide": null,
  "spl_patient_package_insert": null,
  "spl_product_data_elements": null,
  "spl_unclassified": "<section id=\"section-1\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"42229-5\"><div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p><span class=\"bold italics\">Drug...",
  "statement_of_identity": null,
  "stop_use": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "storage_and_handling": "<section id=\"section-7\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"44425-7\"><h1>Other information</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><ul cla...",
  "summary_of_safety_and_effectiveness": null,
  "teratogenic_effects": null,
  "troubleshooting": null,
  "use_in_specific_populations": null,
  "user_safety_warnings": null,
  "warnings": "<section id=\"section-5\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34071-1\"><h1>Warnings</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\">\n<section id=\"se...",
  "warnings_and_cautions": null,
  "when_using": null

This endpoint retrieves the most current FDA label for a drug product, based on NDC ID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
content_format html Format to return for section content from label, either html (default) or text.

View Drug Alternatives for a Product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Omeprazole",
    "drugbank_id": "DB00338",
    "categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000541",
        "name": "Proton Pump Inhibitors",
        "mesh_id": "D054328",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "A02BC",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [
          "Inhibitors, Proton Pump",
          "PP Inhibitors",
        "description": "Compounds that inhibit H(+)-K(+)-EXCHANGING ATPASE...",
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Pantoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
            "name": "Lansoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00448"
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003638",
        "name": "Proton-pump Inhibitors",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [],
        "description": null,
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Pantoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
            "name": "Lansoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00448"

This endpoint retrieves lists of drugs as therapeutic alternatives based on the therapeutic categorizations of the ingredients associated with the provided product.

Related products to the drug alternatives can then be found using this endpoint.

HTTP Request

GET<LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID>/product_concepts/therapeutic_ alternatives

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked therapeutic alternatives.

Product Concepts

About Product Concepts

DrugBank ID Title Level Ingredients? Exact Ingredients? Strength? Route? Form? Brand?
DBPC0017857 Tamoxifen 1 yes no no no no no
DBPC0017859 Tamoxifen 10 mg 2 yes no yes no no no
DBPC0017861 Tamoxifen Oral 2 yes no no yes no no
DBPC0103411 Tamoxifen Tablet 2 yes no no no yes no
DBPC0017858 Tamoxifen citrate 2 yes yes no no no no
DBPC0017863 Tamoxifen 10 mg Oral 3 yes no yes yes no no
DBPC0104223 Tamoxifen 10 mg Tablet 3 yes no yes no yes no
DBPC0103415 Tamoxifen Oral Tablet 3 yes no no yes yes no
DBPC0017860 Tamoxifen citrate 10 mg 3 yes yes yes no no no
DBPC0017862 Tamoxifen citrate Oral 3 yes yes no yes no no
DBPC0103412 Tamoxifen citrate Tablet 3 yes yes no no yes no
DBPC0104225 Tamoxifen 10 mg Oral Tablet 4 yes no yes yes yes no
DBPC0017864 Tamoxifen citrate 10 mg Oral 4 yes yes yes yes no no
DBPC0104224 Tamoxifen citrate 10 mg Tablet 4 yes yes yes no yes no
DBPC0103416 Tamoxifen citrate Oral Tablet 4 yes yes no yes yes no
DBPC0104226 Tamoxifen citrate 10 mg Oral Tablet 5 yes yes yes yes yes no

Product concepts enable you to flexibly represent and query drug products. With them, you can:

  • use a stable vocabulary which abstracts over many equivalent or similar products
  • easily navigate between related products, at varying and specifiable levels of similarity
  • filter products at increasing levels of detail by taking advantage of the hierarchy of product concepts

The basis of product concepts is their many-to-many relationship to products. Each product has many product concepts, each of which match that product in a specific way. Each product concept can be shared between multiple products - if the products are similar enough. Each product concept describes a specific subset of the properties of the products it is matched to. The connection between product and product concept is derived directly from the properties that make up the two objects.

For instance, the US product with the NDC product code 51862-449 has 16 product concepts. These are listed in the table to the right. In this case, the product is not branded, so there are no product concepts with a brand. Each product concept offers a view into the product.

The value of the level property indicates how many fields are set in the product concept. The most general product concept, DBPC0017857 Tamoxifen will be shared between all products which contain Tamoxifen as their sole active ingredient. As the level increases, the product concept becomes more specific, and generally, it will match fewer products. Product concepts are derived from products, so there is a direct correspondance between the properties of the product concept and the properties of the products it is mapped to.

Product concepts can therefore be used as both a filtered version of a specific product (eg. specifying the ingredients and route, but not the form or strength), or as a search filter which can find all products matching a given criteria.

Finally, product concepts are connected in a tree structure. Each level 5 concept is a child of one or more level 4 concepts, which is a child of one or more level 3 concepts, and so on. A child concept adds one single field to its parent concepts. For instance, the level 4 DBPC0103416 Tamoxifen citrate Oral Tablet is a child of the level 3 concept DBPC0103412 Tamoxifen citrate Oral - it adds the form Tablet. It is also a child of the level 3 concept DBPC0103412 Tamoxifen citrate Tablet - to this parent it adds the route Oral.


The product concept API revolves around product concept objects. Thefore there are common error messages which may be returned from any of the product concept APIs, depending on the state of the product concept involved.

Data Types

The product concepts API uses the following data types:

Product Concepts

  "name": "Lopinavir 100 mg / Ritonavir 25 mg Oral Tablet, film coated [Kaletra]",
  "display_name": "Kaletra 100 mg, 25 mg Oral Tablet, film coated",
  "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0198939",
  "brand": "Kaletra",
  "level": 5,
  "route": "Oral",
  "form": "Tablet, film coated",
  "strengths": "100 mg, 25 mg",
  "standing": "active",
  "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
  "standing_active_since": "2006-12-21",
  "regions": {
    "us": true,
    "canada": false,
    "eu": false
  "rxnorm_concepts": [
      "name": "lopinavir 100 MG / Ritonavir 25 MG Oral Tablet [Kaletra]",
      "RXCUI": "847745"
  "ingredients": [
      "name": "Lopinavir",
      "drug": {
        "name": "Lopinavir",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01601"
      "strength": {
        "amount": "100.0",
        "per": "1.0",
        "units": "mg"
      "name": "Ritonavir",
      "drug": {
        "name": "Ritonavir",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00503"
      "strength": {
        "amount": "25.0",
        "per": "1.0",
        "units": "mg"
Property Type Description
drugbank_pcid string DrugBank id for the product concept.
name string The name of this product concept. Name describes all key characteristics.
display_name string An optional, more compact name, based on the brand name.
level int Level of the product concept in the hierarchy. 0 = root.
standing string Indicates the level of connection this product concept has to products.
standing_updated_at date Indicates the date of the last update to the standing of the product concept
standing_active_since date Indicates the date that the standing became “active”
regions object Indicates the availability of this product concept the regions “us”, “canada”, and “eu”
brand string
form string
route string
strengths string A string representing the strengths of the ingredients
rxnorm_concepts array of objects An array of objects with name and RXCUI properties, indicating equivalent RxNorm concepts.
ingredients array of objects The ingredients in the product concept.


The standing property can have the following values:

  • active
  • inactive
  • archived

Product Concept Ingredients

    "name": "Lopinavir",
    "drug": {
        "name": "Lopinavir",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01601"
    "strength": {
        "amount": "100.0",
        "per": "1.0",
        "units": "mg"
Property Type Description
drug object The drug being represented as an ingredient. Includes name and drugbank_id properties.
salt object The salt being represented as an ingredient. Includes name and drugbank_id properties.
amount string
per string
units string

Searching for a specific product concept can be achieved using our medication name search endpoint.

View Product Concept

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral",
  "display_name": null,
  "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0001930",
  "brand": null,
  "level": 4,
  "route": "Oral",
  "form": null,
  "strengths": "20 mg",
  "standing": "active",
  "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
  "standing_active_since": "1999-01-29",
  "regions": {
    "us": true,
    "canada": true,
    "eu": false,
    "germany": false,
    "colombia": true,
    "turkey": true,
    "italy": false,
    "malaysia": true,
    "austria": true,
    "indonesia": false,
    "thailand": true,
    "singapore": true,
    "mexico": true
  "rxnorm_concepts": [],
  "ingredients": [
      "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
      "drug": {
        "name": "Pantoprazole",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
      "exact_ingredient": {
        "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
      "strength": {
        "amount": "20.0",
        "per": "1.0",
        "units": "mg"

This endpoint retrieves a specific product concept based on ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concept Products

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ndc_product_code": null,
    "originator_ndc_product_code": null,
    "dpd_id": null,
    "ema_product_code": null,
    "ema_ma_number": null,
    "pzn": null,
    "co_product_id": "INVIMA 2017M-0012470-R1",
    "tr_product_id": null,
    "it_product_id": null,
    "my_product_id": null,
    "at_product_id": null,
    "idn_product_id": null,
    "th_product_id": null,
    "sg_product_id": null,
    "mx_registration_id": null,
    "mx_product_id": null,
    "prescribable_name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Delayed Release Oral Tablet",
    "started_marketing_on": "2011-03-30",
    "ended_marketing_on": null,
    "approved_on": null,
    "schedule": null,
    "dosage_form": "Tablet, delayed release",
    "route": "Oral",
    "application_number": null,
    "generic": false,
    "otc": false,
    "approved": false,
    "country": "Colombia",
    "mixture": false,
    "allergenic": false,
    "cosmetic": false,
    "vaccine": false,
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00213",
        "strength": {
          "number": "20",
          "unit": "mg"
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000541",
        "name": "Proton Pump Inhibitors",
        "mesh_id": "D054328",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "A02BC",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "synonyms": [
          "Inhibitors, Proton Pump",
          "PP Inhibitors",
        "description": "Compounds that inhibit H(+)-K(+)-EXCHANGING ATPASE..."
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003638",
        "name": "Proton-pump Inhibitors",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [],
        "description": null
    "labeller": {

This returns a list of products which are described by the product concept specified by ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID). These results are region-filtered, making it possible to find products from one or all regions by varying the region parameter.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product ingredients.


Products can be narrowed down by appending a filter to the url in the following format:<ID>/products/<filter>

For example:<ID>/products/generics

Filter Description
generics Returns only generic i.e. unbranded products.

View Product Concept Routes

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet, coated",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0656321",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet, coated",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "1999-10-07",
    "regions": {
      "us": false,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": false
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"
    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0637413",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "2011-08-18",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"

This returns a list of product concepts which are more specific versions of the product concept specified by <ID>. Each of the returned product concepts has a route specified.

When using this endpoint, the "route" field of the returned product concepts can be displayed to users to communicate route separately from ingredients, brand, form, etc.

The returned routes can be further refined by passing in a full-text search parameter q. This query parameter works similarity to the medication name search and searches brand names, ingredient names and synonyms as well as ingredient names and synonyms. It also allows the query_type and hit_details parameters to be used.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q The text-search query string (optional).
query_type simple If set to advanced, allows basic boolean operations in the query parameter q. If set to exact, only returns product concepts containing an exact match to the query string q. Only applies if q is also given.
hit_details false If set to true, returns additional information on matched brands/ingredients/products for the concept. Only applies if q is also given.
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concept Forms

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0637413",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "2011-08-18",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"
    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet, coated",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0656321",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet, coated",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "1999-10-07",
    "regions": {
      "us": false,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": false
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"

This returns a list of product concepts which are more specific versions of the product concept specified by <ID>. Each of the returned product concepts has a form specified.

When using this endpoint, the "form" field of the returned product concepts can be displayed to users to communicate form separately from ingredients, brand, route, etc.

The returned forms can be further refined by passing in a full-text search parameter q. This query parameter works similarity to the medication name search and searches brand names, ingredient names and synonyms as well as ingredient names and synonyms. It also allows the query_type and hit_details parameters to be used.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q The text-search query string (optional).
query_type simple If set to advanced, allows basic boolean operations in the query parameter q. If set to exact, only returns product concepts containing an exact match to the query string q. Only applies if q is also given.
hit_details false If set to true, returns additional information on matched brands/ingredients/products for the concept. Only applies if q is also given.
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concept Strengths

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet, coated",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0656321",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet, coated",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "1999-10-07",
    "regions": {
      "us": false,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": false
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"
    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0637413",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "2011-08-18",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"

This returns a list of product concepts which are more specific versions of the product concept specified by <ID>. Each of the returned product concepts has ingredient strengths specified.

When using this endpoint, the "strengths" field of the returned product concepts can be displayed to users to communicate strength separately from ingredients, brand, route, etc.

The returned strengths can be further refined by passing in a full-text search parameter q. This query parameter works similarity to the medication name search and searches brand names, ingredient names and synonyms as well as ingredient names and synonyms. It also allows the query_type and hit_details parameters to be used.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q The text-search query string (optional).
query_type simple If set to advanced, allows basic boolean operations in the query parameter q. If set to exact, only returns product concepts containing an exact match to the query string q. Only applies if q is also given.
hit_details false If set to true, returns additional information on matched brands/ingredients/products for the concept. Only applies if q is also given.
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concept Categories

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000768",
    "name": "2-Pyridinylmethylsulfinylbenzimidazoles",
    "mesh_id": "D053799",
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [
    "atc_code": null,
    "atc_level": null,
    "categorization_kind": "indexing",
    "synonyms": [
      "2 Methylpyridine 2 Benzimidazole Sulfoxides",
      "2 Pyridinylmethylsulfinyl 2 Benzimidazoles",
    "description": "Compounds that contain benzimidazole joined to a 2-methylpyridine via a sulfoxide linkage..."

Returns an array of categories for the product concept specified by ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID).

The category type atc or mesh can be appended on to the end of the url to specify which hierarchy to retrieve the categories from. If left blank, DrugBank categories will be returned.

This endpoint supports pagination.

See Common Category Query Parameter Values for query parameters that affect the results of this request.

Shows all categories for the product concept regardless of the value of source, but parent/child relationships will be limited based on source.

HTTP Request

GET<ID>/categories/<hierarchy (optional)>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked categories.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
categorization_kind The categorization kind to filter by (optional).

View Product Concept Indications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "kind": "treatment_of",
    "off_label": false,
    "otc_use": false,
    "adjunct_use": false,
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [
    "dose_strength": [],
    "timeline": "When chemotherapy is planned to last ≥2 months",
    "drug": {
      "name": "Darbepoetin alfa",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00012"
    "regions": "US",
    "condition": {
      "name": "Anemia",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020261",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10002034",
      "snomed_id": "d/535044014",
      "icd10_id": "c/D64.9"
    "condition_associated_with": [
        "name": "Myelosuppressive chemotherapy",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020351"

This returns a list of indications linked to the product concept specified by ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID). This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications.
adjunct_use null Limits results by the value of the adjunct_use attribute of the indications.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications.

View product concepts with similar indications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "similar_indications": [
      "product_concept": {
        "name": "Luspatercept Subcutaneous",
        "display_name": null,
        "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0493704",
        "brand": null,
        "level": 2,
        "route": "Subcutaneous",
        "form": null,
        "strengths": null,
        "standing": "active",
        "standing_updated_at": null,
        "standing_active_since": "2019-11-08",
        "regions": {
          "us": true,
          "canada": true,
          "eu": true,
          "germany": false,
          "colombia": true,
          "turkey": false,
          "italy": true,
          "malaysia": false,
          "austria": false,
          "indonesia": false,
          "thailand": false,
          "singapore": false,
          "mexico": true
        "rxnorm_concepts": [
            "name": "luspatercept Injection",
            "RXCUI": "2262905"
            "name": "luspatercept Injectable Product",
            "RXCUI": "2262904"
        "ingredients": [
            "name": "Luspatercept",
            "drug": {
              "name": "Luspatercept",
              "drugbank_id": "DB12281"
      "from": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Anemia",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020261"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "treatment_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "timeline": "When chemotherapy is planned to last ≥2 months",
          "drug": {
            "name": "Darbepoetin alfa",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00012"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Anemia",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020261",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10002034",
            "snomed_id": "d/535044014",
            "icd10_id": "c/D64.9"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Myelosuppressive chemotherapy",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020351"
      "to": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Anemia",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020261"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "treatment_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [],
          "dose_strength": [],
          "timeline": "following failure of erythropoiesis stimulating agent treatment",
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Luspatercept",
            "drugbank_id": "DB12281"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Anemia",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020261",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10002034",
            "snomed_id": "d/535044014",
            "icd10_id": "c/D64.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Require regular red blood cell transfusions",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0124075"
              "name": "Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm With Ring Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0118093",
              "snomed_id": "d/4652416018"
      "product_concept": {
        "name": "Capecitabine Oral Tablet",
        "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0124353",
        "level": 3,
        "route": "Oral",
        "form": "Tablet",
        "standing": "active",
        "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
        "standing_active_since": "1998-01-01",
        "regions": {
          "us": true,
          "canada": true,
          "eu": true,
          "germany": false,
          "colombia": false,
          "turkey": false,
          "italy": false,
          "malaysia": false,
          "austria": false,
          "indonesia": false,
          "thailand": false,
          "singapore": true,
          "mexico": true
        "rxnorm_concepts": [
            "name": "capecitabine Oral Tablet",
            "RXCUI": "371250"
        "ingredients": [
            "name": "Capecitabine",
            "drug": {
              "name": "Capecitabine",
              "drugbank_id": "DB01101"
      "from": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "myelosuppressive chemotherapy",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020351"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "treatment_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "timeline": "When chemotherapy is planned to last ≥2 months",
          "drug": {
            "name": "Darbepoetin alfa",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00012"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Anemia",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020261",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10002034",
            "snomed_id": "d/535044014",
            "icd10_id": "c/D64.9"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Myelosuppressive chemotherapy",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020351"
      "to": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Chemotherapy",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020513"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "for_therapy",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Capecitabine",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01101"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Gastroesophageal Junction",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0069248",
            "modification_of": {
              "condition_stage": "metastatic",
              "base": {
                "name": "Adenocarcinomas of the Gastroesophageal Junction",
                "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0032762",
                "meddra_id": "llt/10066354",
                "snomed_id": "c/276803003"
          "therapy": {
            "name": "Chemotherapy",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020513",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10050693",
            "snomed_id": "d/501450016",
            "icd10_id": "c/Z51.11"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "No prior therapy for metastatic disease",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0130369"
          "genetic_factors": {
            "includes": [
                "name": "HER2",
                "synonyms": [
                "gene": {
                  "name": "ERBB2",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0024917",
                  "uniprot_id": "ac/P04626"
                "positive_finding": {
                  "name": "HER2 Positive",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0040154",
                  "meddra_id": "llt/10089726"
                "negative_finding": {
                  "name": "HER2 negative",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0024919",
                  "meddra_id": "llt/10077484"
            "excludes": []

This endpoint retrieves a list of product concepts which have indications similar to the indications of the provided product concept.

The results are returned as a JSON object with a “similar_indications” property containing an array of objects representing similar product concepts. Each object in this array has three properties: product_concept (the similar product_concept), from, and to.

From and to describe the relationship between the input product concept and the similar product concept. From and to both contain the same two properties:

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept for which to retrieve product concepts with similar indications

View Product Concept Adverse Effects

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Tolcapone",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00323"
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "evidence_type": [
    "regions": "US",
    "incidences": [
        "kind": "experimental",
        "percent": "42-51%"
        "kind": "placebo",
        "percent": "20%"
    "effect": {
      "name": "Dyskinesia",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0017935",
      "meddra_id": "pt/10013916",
      "snomed_id": "d/17050018",
      "icd10_id": "c/G24.9"
    "patient_characteristics": [
        "name": "Parkinson's Disease",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028039",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10034008",
        "snomed_id": "d/2741287018",
        "icd10_id": "c/G20"
    "with_drugs": [
        "name": "Levodopa",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01235"
        "name": "Carbidopa",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00190"

This returns a list of adverse effects linked to the product concept specified by ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID). This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description


false If true, includes the list of references for each adverse effect associated with this product concept. See References for details.

View Product Concept Contraindications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Loxapine",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00408"
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [
    "regions": "US",
    "patient_conditions": [
        "name": "Comatose",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0035758",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10058472",
        "snomed_id": "d/495581010",
        "icd10_id": "c/R40.2"

This returns a list of contraindications linked to the product concept specified by ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID). This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

View Product Concept Boxed Warnings

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Loxapine",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00408"
    "kind": "warning",
    "lab_values": [],
    "route": [],
    "age_groups": [
    "risk": {
      "name": "Increased mortality",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0100456"
    "patient_characteristics": [
        "name": "Dementia-related Psychosis",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0092686"

This returns a list of boxed warnings (Black Box warnings) linked to the product concept specified by ID (DrugBank Product Concept ID). This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

View Product Concept Parents

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Pantoprazole 20 mg Oral",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0001929",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 3,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": null,
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
    "standing_active_since": "1999-01-29",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": true,
      "eu": true,
      "germany": true,
      "colombia": true,
      "turkey": true,
      "italy": true,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": true,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": true,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"

This returns a list of product concepts which are more general versions of the product concept specified by <ID>. Each of the returned product concepts is one level more general.

The returned parents can be further refined by passing in a full-text search parameter q. This query parameter works similarity to the medication name search and searches brand names, ingredient names and synonyms as well as ingredient names and synonyms. It also allows the query_type and hit_details parameters to be used.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q The text-search query string (optional).
query_type simple If set to advanced, allows basic boolean operations in the query parameter q. If set to exact, only returns product concepts containing an exact match to the query string q. Only applies if q is also given.
hit_details false If set to true, returns additional information on matched brands/ingredients/products for the concept. Only applies if q is also given.
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concept Children

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Pantoprazole sodium 20 mg Oral Tablet, coated",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0656321",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 5,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Tablet, coated",
    "strengths": "20 mg",
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": "1999-10-07",
    "regions": {
      "us": false,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": false
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Pantoprazole as Pantoprazole sodium",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00213"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Pantoprazole sodium",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000386"
        "strength": {
          "amount": "20.0",
          "per": "1.0",
          "units": "mg"

This returns a list of product concepts which are more specific versions of the product concept specified by <ID>. Each of the returned product concepts is one level more specific.

The returned children can be further refined by passing in a full-text search parameter q. This query parameter works similarity to the medication name search and searches brand names, ingredient names and synonyms as well as ingredient names and synonyms. It also allows the query_type and hit_details parameters to be used.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q The text-search query string (optional).
query_type simple If set to advanced, allows basic boolean operations in the query parameter q. If set to exact, only returns product concepts containing an exact match to the query string q. Only applies if q is also given.
hit_details false If set to true, returns additional information on matched brands/ingredients/products for the concept. Only applies if q is also given.
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concepts by RxNorm Concept ID (RXCUI)

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Lidocaine",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0005263",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 1,
    "route": null,
    "form": null,
    "strengths": null,
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
    "standing_active_since": "1948-11-19",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": true,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": true,
      "turkey": true,
      "italy": true,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": true,
      "indonesia": true,
      "thailand": true,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [
        "name": "lidocaine",
        "RXCUI": "6387"
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Lidocaine",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Lidocaine",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00281"

This returns a list of product concepts which have been mapped to the provided RXCUI. The relationship between RXCUI and DrugBank product concepts is many-to-many. If the specified RXCUI is not understood, or has not yet been imported into DrugBank, then a 404 error will be raised. If the RXCUI is understood, but the specified RxNorm concept is not considered equivalent to any DrugBank product concept, then an empty array will be returned. This API supports pagination, although results will rarely, if ever be paginated with the default per-page setting of 50 results per page.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The RXCUI of the RxNorm concept for which to retrieve product concepts.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
withdrawn false If set to include, includes product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to true, includes only product concepts for which all products have been withdrawn. If set to false, includes only product concepts with at least one non-withdrawn product.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product concept ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product concept ingredients.

View Product Concept Revocation

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0151796",
  "alternate_drugbank_pcids": [],
  "standing": "revoked",
  "revoked_at": "2018-01-11",
  "historical_data": {
    "name": "Estradiol valerate / Testosterone Enanthate Intramuscular",
    "route": "Intramuscular",
    "rxnorm_ids": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "drug": {
          "name": "Testosterone",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00624"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Testosterone Enanthate",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT001030"
        "drug": {
          "name": "Estradiol",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00783"
        "exact_ingredient": {
          "name": "Estradiol valerate",
          "drugbank_id": "DBSALT000068"
  "suggested_replacements": [
      "name": "Estradiol valerate 6.5 mg / Testosterone enanthate 100 mg /mL Intramuscular",
      "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0734281",
      "regions": {
        "us": false,
        "canada": false,
        "eu": false,
        "germany": false,
        "colombia": false,
        "turkey": false,
        "italy": false,
        "malaysia": false,
        "austria": false,
        "indonesia": false,
        "thailand": false,
        "singapore": false,
        "mexico": false
      "name": "Estradiol valerate 6.5 mg / Testosterone enanthate 100 mg /mL Intramuscular Solution",
      "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0734425",
      "regions": {
        "us": false,
        "canada": false,
        "eu": false,
        "germany": false,
        "colombia": false,
        "turkey": false,
        "italy": false,
        "malaysia": false,
        "austria": false,
        "indonesia": false,
        "thailand": false,
        "singapore": false,
        "mexico": false

When a drug or product ingredient is revoked, the related product concepts must also be revoked. They refer to DrugBank entities which no longer exist, so they cannot be properly represented. However, a historical snapshot of its data is captured when a product concept is revoked. This data can be accessed through the revocation endpoint, which will also attempt to suggest product concepts which may be suitable replacements for the revoked concept.

Plese note that some or all of the referenced ingredients may no longer be available.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept for which to retrieve the revocation data.

Search duplicate therapies

curl -L ',DBPC0011839' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "duplicate_ingredients": [
      "drug": {
        "name": "Acetaminophen",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
      "product_concepts": [
          "name": "Acetaminophen 500 mg Oral Tablet, film coated [Panadol]",
          "display_name": "Panadol 500 mg Oral Tablet, film coated",
          "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0251172",
          "brand": "Panadol",
          "level": 5,
          "route": "Oral",
          "form": "Tablet, film coated",
          "strengths": "500 mg",
          "standing": "active",
          "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
          "standing_active_since": "2011-03-18",
          "regions": {
            "us": true,
            "canada": false,
            "eu": false,
            "germany": false,
            "colombia": false,
            "turkey": false,
            "italy": false,
            "malaysia": false,
            "austria": false,
            "indonesia": false,
            "thailand": false,
            "singapore": false,
            "mexico": false
          "rxnorm_concepts": [
              "name": "acetaminophen 500 MG Oral Tablet [Panadol]",
              "RXCUI": "200977"
          "ingredients": [
              "name": "Acetaminophen",
              "drug": {
                "name": "Acetaminophen",
                "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
              "strength": {
                "amount": "500.0",
                "per": "1.0",
                "units": "mg"
          "name": "Acetaminophen 160 mg /5mL Oral Suspension",
          "display_name": null,
          "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0011839",
          "brand": null,
          "level": 4,
          "route": "Oral",
          "form": "Suspension",
          "strengths": "160 mg /5mL",
          "standing": "active",
          "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
          "standing_active_since": "1989-08-15",
          "regions": {
            "us": true,
            "canada": true,
            "eu": false,
            "germany": false,
            "colombia": false,
            "turkey": false,
            "italy": false,
            "malaysia": false,
            "austria": false,
            "indonesia": false,
            "thailand": true,
            "singapore": false,
            "mexico": false
          "rxnorm_concepts": [
              "name": "acetaminophen 33.3 MG/ML Oral Solution",
              "RXCUI": "307684"
              "name": "acetaminophen 100 MG/ML Oral Solution",
              "RXCUI": "238159"
          "ingredients": [
              "name": "Acetaminophen",
              "drug": {
                "name": "Acetaminophen",
                "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
              "strength": {
                "amount": "160.0",
                "per": "5.0",
                "units": "mg/mL"
  "duplicate_therapies": [
      "condition": {
        "title": "Severe Pain",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0066540"
      "kind": "treatment_of",
      "duplicates": [
          "product_concept": {
            "name": "Acetaminophen 160 mg /5mL Oral Suspension",
            "display_name": null,
            "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0011839",
            "brand": null,
            "level": 4,
            "route": "Oral",
            "form": "Suspension",
            "strengths": "160 mg /5mL",
            "standing": "active",
            "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
            "standing_active_since": "1989-08-15",
            "regions": {
              "us": true,
              "canada": true,
              "eu": false,
              "germany": false,
              "colombia": false,
              "turkey": false,
              "italy": false,
              "malaysia": false,
              "austria": false,
              "indonesia": false,
              "thailand": true,
              "singapore": false,
              "mexico": false
            "rxnorm_concepts": [
                "name": "acetaminophen 33.3 MG/ML Oral Solution",
                "RXCUI": "307684"
                "name": "acetaminophen 100 MG/ML Oral Solution",
                "RXCUI": "238159"
            "ingredients": [
                "name": "Acetaminophen",
                "drug": {
                  "name": "Acetaminophen",
                  "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
                "strength": {
                  "amount": "160.0",
                  "per": "5.0",
                  "units": "mg/mL"
          "indication": {
            "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_treatment_of",
            "off_label": false,
            "otc_use": false,
            "route": [],
            "dose_form": [],
            "dose_strength": [],
            "drug": {
              "name": "Acetaminophen",
              "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
            "regions": "US",
            "condition": {
              "name": "Severe Pain",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0066540",
              "snomed_id": "d/127745015",
              "icd10_id": "c/R52",
              "modification_of": {
                "base": {
                  "name": "Pain",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0012160",
                  "meddra_id": "llt/10033371",
                  "snomed_id": "d/253262010",
                  "icd10_id": "c/R52"
                "severity": {
                  "includes": [
                  "excludes": []
            "with_therapies": [
                "name": "Opioids",
                "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0037703",
                "meddra_id": "llt/10063231",
                "snomed_id": "d/107481013"
          "product_concept": {
            "name": "Acetaminophen 500 mg Oral Tablet, film coated [Panadol]",
            "display_name": "Panadol 500 mg Oral Tablet, film coated",
            "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0251172",
            "brand": "Panadol",
            "level": 5,
            "route": "Oral",
            "form": "Tablet, film coated",
            "strengths": "500 mg",
            "standing": "active",
            "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
            "standing_active_since": "2011-03-18",
            "regions": {
              "us": true,
              "canada": false,
              "eu": false,
              "germany": false,
              "colombia": false,
              "turkey": false,
              "italy": false,
              "malaysia": false,
              "austria": false,
              "indonesia": false,
              "thailand": false,
              "singapore": false,
              "mexico": false
            "rxnorm_concepts": [
                "name": "acetaminophen 500 MG Oral Tablet [Panadol]",
                "RXCUI": "200977"
            "ingredients": [
                "name": "Acetaminophen",
                "drug": {
                  "name": "Acetaminophen",
                  "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
                "strength": {
                  "amount": "500.0",
                  "per": "1.0",
                  "units": "mg"
          "indication": {
            "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_treatment_of",
            "off_label": false,
            "otc_use": false,
            "route": [],
            "dose_form": [],
            "dose_strength": [],
            "drug": {
              "name": "Acetaminophen",
              "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
            "regions": "US",
            "condition": {
              "name": "Severe Pain",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0066540",
              "snomed_id": "d/127745015",
              "icd10_id": "c/R52",
              "modification_of": {
                "base": {
                  "name": "Pain",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0012160",
                  "meddra_id": "llt/10033371",
                  "snomed_id": "d/253262010",
                  "icd10_id": "c/R52"
                "severity": {
                  "includes": [
                  "excludes": []
            "with_therapies": [
                "name": "Opioids",
                "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0037703",
                "meddra_id": "llt/10063231",
                "snomed_id": "d/107481013"

Check whether product concepts share the same ingredients or treat the same conditions.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
product_concept_id A comma-separated list of DrugBank product concept IDs

This returns two high level sections: duplicate_ingredients and duplicate_therapies.

duplicate_ingredients will return the entered product concepts grouped by their shared ingredients. Each entry of the array will contain the common drug and the product_concepts containing that drug.

duplicate_therapies will return the entered product concepts, along with their indications, grouped by the closest common condition that they treat. Each entry of the array will contain the common condition and kind and an array of duplicates. Entries in the duplicates array will be one of the entered product concepts along with the indication related to this condition.

Get the list of current FDA labels available for a product concept

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "id": "08d4f62f-fa28-6afc-d4bf-311386d4ad35",
    "set_id": "0d3a966f-f937-05a8-a90f-5aa52ebbd613",
    "version": 14,
    "current": true,
    "title": "Zestoretic - lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide TABLET",
    "product_type": "HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG LABEL",
    "effective_on": "2021-07-01",
    "labeler_name": "Almatica Pharma Inc.",
    "first_product_marketing_started_on": "2015-04-15",
    "last_product_marketing_ended_on": null,
    "ndc_product_codes": [
    "pmg_section_count": 1,
    "hpi_section_count": 17,
    "sli_section_count": 5,
    "all_section_count": 21

This endpoint retrieves the list of current FDA labels for a product concept.

HTTP Request


View Drug Alternatives for a Product Concept

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Amoxicillin",
    "drugbank_id": "DB01060",
    "categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003682",
        "name": "Aminopenicillins",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [],
        "description": null,
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Ampicillin",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00415"
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000702",
        "name": "Penicillins",
        "mesh_id": "D010406",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "S01AA19",
        "atc_level": 5,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [
          "Aminobenzyl Penicillin",
        "description": "A group of antibiotics that contain 6-aminopenicillanic acid with a side chain attached to the 6-amino group...",
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Cloxacillin",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01147"
            "name": "Pivmecillinam",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01605"

This endpoint retrieves lists of drugs as therapeutic alternatives based on the therapeutic categorizations of the ingredients associated with the provided product concept.

Related product concepts to the drug alternatives can then be found using this endpoint.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve the linked drug alternatives.


Get a specific drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "drugbank_id": "DB00316",
  "name": "Acetaminophen",
  "cas_number": "103-90-2",
  "annotation_status": "complete",
  "availability_by_region": [
      "region": "ca",
      "max_phase": 4,
      "marketed_prescription": true,
      "generic_available": true,
      "pre_market_cancelled": false,
      "post_market_cancelled": false
      "region": "us",
      "max_phase": 4,
      "marketed_prescription": true,
      "generic_available": true,
      "pre_market_cancelled": false,
      "post_market_cancelled": false
  "description": "Acetaminophen (paracetamol), also commonly known as _Tylenol_, is the most commonly taken analgesic worldwide and is recommended as first-line therapy ...",
  "simple_description": "A medication used to reduce fever and treat pain.",
  "clinical_description": "An analgesic drug used alone or in combination with opioids for pain management, and as an antipyretic agent.",
  "synonyms": [
  "pharmacology": {
    "indication_description": "In general, acetaminophen is used for the treatment of mild to moderate pain and reduction of fever...",
    "pharmacodynamic_description": "Animal and clinical studies have determined that acetaminophen has both antipyretic and analgesic effects...",
    "mechanism_of_action_description": "According to its FDA labeling, acetaminophen's exact mechanism of action has not been fully established[Label] - despite this, it is often categorized ...",
    "absorption": "Acetaminophen has 88% oral bioavailability and reaches its highest plasma concentration 90 minutes after ingestion...",
    "protein_binding": "The binding of acetaminophen to plasma proteins is low (ranging from 10% to 25%), when given at therapeutic doses.[Label]",
    "volume_of_distribution": [
      "Volume of distribution is about 0..."
    "clearance": [
      "Adults: 0.27 L/h/kg following a 15 mg/kg intravenous (IV) dose.[Label]",
      "Children: 0.34 L/h/kg following a 15 mg/kg intravenous (IV dose).[Label]"
    "half_life": "The half-life for adults is 2...",
    "route_of_elimination": "Acetaminophen metabolites are mainly excreted in the urine...",
    "toxicity_description": "LD50 = 338 mg/kg (oral, mouse); LD50 = 1944 mg/kg (oral, rat)[F4133]\r\n\r\n**Overdose and liver toxicity** \r\n\r\nAcetaminophen overdose may be manifested by..."
  "food_interactions": [
    "Avoid alcohol. Alcohol may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity.",
    "Take with or without food. The absorption is unaffected by food."
  "identifiers": {
    "drugbank_id": "DB00316",
    "inchi": "InChI=1S/C8H9NO2/c1-6(10)9-7-2-4-8(11)5-3-7/h2-5,11H,1H3,(H,9,10)",
    "atc_codes": [
        "code": "N02BE71",
        "title": "paracetamol, combinations with psycholeptics",
        "combination": true
        "code": "N02BE01",
        "title": "paracetamol",
        "combination": false
  "therapeutic_categories": [
      "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000041",
      "name": "Analgesics",
      "mesh_id": "D000700",
      "mesh_tree_numbers": [
      "atc_code": "N02",
      "atc_level": 2,
      "synonyms": [
        "Agents, Analgesic",
        "Analgesic Agents",
      "description": "Compounds that show activity in animal models of human PAIN such as tail flick and hot plate assays."

This endpoint retrieves a specific drug based on DrugBank ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description


false If true, includes the list of references for this drug. See References for details.

Get products linked with a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ndc_product_code": "52124-0111",
    "originator_ndc_product_code": "52124-0111",
    "dpd_id": null,
    "ema_product_code": null,
    "ema_ma_number": null,
    "pzn": null,
    "co_product_id": null,
    "tr_product_id": null,
    "it_product_id": null,
    "my_product_id": null,
    "at_product_id": null,
    "idn_product_id": null,
    "th_product_id": null,
    "sg_product_id": null,
    "mx_registration_id": null,
    "mx_product_id": null,
    "name": "10 Person ANSI",
    "prescribable_name": "Acetaminophen / Acetylsalicylic acid / Bacitracin zinc / Benzalkonium chloride / Benzocaine / Ethanol / Ibuprofen / Lidocaine / Neomycin sulfate / Poly...",
    "started_marketing_on": "2010-04-24",
    "ended_marketing_on": null,
    "approved_on": null,
    "schedule": null,
    "dosage_form": "Kit",
    "route": "Ophthalmic; Oral; Topical",
    "application_number": "part333",
    "generic": false,
    "otc": true,
    "approved": false,
    "country": "US",
    "mixture": true,
    "allergenic": false,
    "cosmetic": false,
    "vaccine": false,
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Benzalkonium",
        "drugbank_id": "DB11105",
        "strength": {
          "number": "0.13",
          "unit": "g/100g"
        "name": "Lidocaine",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00281",
        "strength": {
          "number": "0.5",
          "unit": "1/100g"
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000853",
        "name": "Aminoglycoside Antibacterials",
        "mesh_id": "D000617",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "J01G",
        "atc_level": 3,
        "synonyms": [
          "Amino-glycoside Antibacterials",
          "Amino-glycoside Antibiotics",
        "description": "A category of amino glycoside antibacterials..."
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000041",
        "name": "Analgesics",
        "mesh_id": "D000700",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "N02",
        "atc_level": 2,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents, Analgesic",
          "Analgesic Agents",
        "description": "Compounds that show activity in animal models of human PAIN such as tail flick and hot plate assays."
    "labeller": {
      "name": "Genuine First Aid"
    "images": []

This endpoint retrieves a list of products linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked products.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product ingredients.


Products can be narrowed down by appending a filter to the url in the following format:<ID>/products/<filter>

For example:<ID>/products/generics

Filter Description
generics Returns only generic i.e. unbranded products.

Get product concepts linked with a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Acetaminophen / Levomenthol Oral Solution",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0869320",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 3,
    "route": "Oral",
    "form": "Solution",
    "strengths": null,
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": null,
    "standing_active_since": null,
    "regions": {
      "us": false,
      "canada": true,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": false,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": false,
      "mexico": false
    "rxnorm_concepts": [],
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Acetaminophen",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Acetaminophen",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00316"
        "name": "Levomenthol",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Levomenthol",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00825"

This endpoint retrieves a list of product concepts linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked product concepts.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
level The product concept level to filter by (optional).
min_level The minimum product concept level to return (optional).
min_level The maximum product concept level to return (optional).
unbranded_only false If true, returns only product concepts without an associated brand.

Get categories for a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000276",
    "name": "Antimetabolites",
    "mesh_id": "D000963",
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [
    "atc_code": "L01B",
    "atc_level": 3,
    "categorization_kind": "therapeutic",
    "synonyms": [],
    "description": "Drugs that are chemically similar to naturally occurring metabolites, but differ enough to interfere with normal metabolic pathways..."

Returns an array of categories for a drug, based on the DrugBank ID.

The category type atc or mesh can be appended on to the end of the url to specify which hierarchy to retrieve the categories from. If left blank, DrugBank categories will be returned.

This endpoint supports pagination.

See Common Category Query Parameter Values for query parameters that affect the results of this request.

Shows all categories for the drug regardless of the value of source, but parent/child relationships will be limited based on source.

HTTP Request

GET<ID>/categories/<hierarchy (optional)>

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked categories.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
categorization_kind The categorization kind to filter by (optional).

Get indications linked with a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "kind": "used_in_combination_to_treat",
    "off_label": true,
    "otc_use": false,
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "dose_strength": [],
    "combination_type": "regimen",
    "drug": {
      "name": "Tamoxifen",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00675"
    "condition": {
      "name": "Desmoid tumour",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0016232",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10059352",
      "snomed_id": "d/3009352010",
      "icd10_id": "c/C49.9",
      "modification_of": {
        "base": {
          "name": "Fibromatosis",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0016239",
          "meddra_id": "llt/10049444",
          "snomed_id": "d/33542010",
          "icd10_id": "c/M72.9"
        "severity": {
          "includes": [
          "excludes": []
    "combination_drugs": [
        "name": "Sulindac",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00605"

This endpoint retrieves a list of indications linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked indications.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications.

View drugs with similar indications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "similar_indications": [
      "drug": {
        "name": "Anastrozole",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01217"
      "from": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Breast Cancer",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028036"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_prevention_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Tamoxifen",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00675"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Contralateral Breast Cancer",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0111583",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10054784",
            "snomed_id": "c/254837009",
            "icd10_id": "c/C50"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Breast Cancer",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028036",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10006187",
              "snomed_id": "d/379662011",
              "icd10_id": "c/C50.9",
              "modification_of": {
                "location": "Breast",
                "base": {
                  "name": "Cancer",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020966",
                  "meddra_id": "llt/10007050",
                  "snomed_id": "d/142665016",
                  "icd10_id": "c/C80"
      "to": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Advanced Breast Cancer",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031019"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "treatment_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "sex_group": "female",
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [],
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Anastrozole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01217"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Advanced Breast Cancer",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031019",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10072737",
            "snomed_id": "c/254837009",
            "icd10_id": "c/C50",
            "modification_of": {
              "condition_stage": "advanced",
              "base": {
                "name": "Breast Cancer",
                "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028036",
                "meddra_id": "llt/10006187",
                "snomed_id": "d/379662011",
                "icd10_id": "c/C50.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Disease progression with tamoxifen therapy",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0100394"
      "drug": {
        "name": "Letrozole",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01006"
      "from": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Breast Cancer",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028036"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_prevention_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [],
          "age_groups": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Tamoxifen",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00675"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Contralateral Breast Cancer",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0111583",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10054784",
            "snomed_id": "c/254837009",
            "icd10_id": "c/C50"
          "condition_associated_with": [
              "name": "Breast Cancer",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028036",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10006187",
              "snomed_id": "d/379662011",
              "icd10_id": "c/C50.9",
              "modification_of": {
                "location": "Breast",
                "base": {
                  "name": "Cancer",
                  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020966",
                  "meddra_id": "llt/10007050",
                  "snomed_id": "d/142665016",
                  "icd10_id": "c/C80"
      "to": {
        "concept": {
          "title": "Advanced Breast Cancer",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031019"
        "indication": {
          "kind": "treatment_of",
          "off_label": false,
          "otc_use": false,
          "sex_group": "female",
          "route": [
          "dose_form": [
          "dose_strength": [
          "drug": {
            "name": "Letrozole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01006"
          "regions": "US",
          "condition": {
            "name": "Advanced Breast Cancer",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031019",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10072737",
            "snomed_id": "c/254837009",
            "icd10_id": "c/C50",
            "modification_of": {
              "condition_stage": "advanced",
              "base": {
                "name": "Breast Cancer",
                "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028036",
                "meddra_id": "llt/10006187",
                "snomed_id": "d/379662011",
                "icd10_id": "c/C50.9"
          "patient_characteristics": [
              "name": "Post-Menopausal",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0034437",
              "meddra_id": "llt/10051775",
              "snomed_id": "d/3005258016"

This endpoint retrieves a list of drugs which have indications similar to the indications of the provided drug.

The results are returned as a JSON object with a “similar_indications” property containing an array of objects representing similar drugs. Each object in this array has three properties: drug (the similar drug), from, and to.

From and to describe the relationship between the input drug and the similar drug. From and to both contain the same two properties:

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug for which to retrieve drugs with similar indications

Get drug-drug interactions for a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ingredient": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB00675",
      "name": "Tamoxifen"
    "affected_ingredient": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB08496",
      "name": "(R)-warfarin"
    "description": "The risk or severity of bleeding can be increased when Tamoxifen is combined with (R)-warfarin.",
    "extended_description": "Coadministration of tamoxifen with anticoagulant drugs has been shown to produce an increase in the anticoagulant effect producing cases of bleeding...",
    "action": "increase_specific_adverse_effects",
    "severity": "moderate",
    "subject_dosage": "",
    "affected_dosage": "",
    "evidence_level": "level_1",
    "management": "Concomitant use of tamoxifen with vitamin K antagonists should be avoided..."

This endpoint retrieves a list of drug-drug interactions linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. The ingredient refers to the specified drug, while the affected_ingredient is the drug it interacts with. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked interactions.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
severity null Limits results by the severity of the interactions. May be major, moderate, or minor.
evidence_level null Limits results by the evidence level of the interactions. May be level_1 or level_2.
available_only false If true, only includes interactions with currently available drugs. If a region is specified, the drugs must also be available in that region.
include_references false If true, includes the references for each interaction. See References for details on the format.

Get adverse effects linked with a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "evidence_type": [
    "admin": "multiple dose",
    "regions": "US",
    "age_groups": [
    "incidences": [
        "kind": "experimental",
        "percent": "34%"
        "kind": "placebo",
        "percent": "31%"
    "effect": {
      "name": "Nausea",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0010699",
      "meddra_id": "pt/10028813",
      "snomed_id": "d/122688013",
      "icd10_id": "c/R11.0"

This endpoint retrieves a list of adverse effects linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked adverse effects.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description


false If true, includes the list of references for each adverse effect associated with this drug. See References for details.

Get contraindications linked with a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "route": [],
    "dose_form": [],
    "hypersensitivity": [
    "lab_values": [],
    "recommended_actions": [],
    "regions": "US"
    "route": [],
    "dose_form": [],
    "hypersensitivity": [],
    "lab_values": [],
    "recommended_actions": [],
    "regions": "US",
    "patient_conditions": [
        "name": "Severe, active Liver Disease",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0112340",
        "modification_of": {
          "condition_status": "active",
          "base": {
            "name": "Liver Disease",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0028338",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10045808",
            "snomed_id": "d/104462011",
            "icd10_id": "c/K76.9"
          "severity": {
            "includes": [
            "excludes": []

This endpoint retrieves a list of contraindications linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked contraindications.

Get boxed warnings linked with a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "kind": "warning",
    "lab_values": [],
    "route": [],
    "dose_form": [],
    "risk": {
      "name": "Hepatotoxicity",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0013066",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10019851",
      "snomed_id": "d/80589010",
      "icd10_id": "c/K71.9"
    "kind": "warning",
    "recommendation": "Do not exceed recommended daily maximum limits",
    "lab_values": [],
    "route": [],
    "dose_form": [],
    "risk": {
      "name": "Liver Failure",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031848",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10019663",
      "snomed_id": "d/303485018",
      "icd10_id": "c/K72.9"

This endpoint retrieves a list of boxed warnings (Black Box warnings) linked to a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked boxed warnings.

Get packages for a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "package_ndc_code": "16590-0023-90",
    "originator_package_ndc_code": "16590-023-90",
    "description": "90 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "full_description": "90 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "amount": "90",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "BOTTLE",
    "product": {
      "ndc_product_code": "16590-0023",
    "package_ndc_code": "21695-0242-28",
    "originator_package_ndc_code": "21695-242-28",
    "description": "28 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "full_description": "28 TABLET IN 1 BOTTLE",
    "amount": "28",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "BOTTLE",
    "product": {
      "ndc_product_code": "21695-0242",
      "name": "Acetaminophen and Codeine Phosphate"

This endpoint retrieves a list of top level packages for a drug, based on DrugBank ID. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the packages.

Get the list of current FDA labels available for a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "id": "198bd070-05db-bad4-e063-6394a90a4830",
    "set_id": "fab269ea-9513-3702-e053-6394a90ada0d",
    "version": 2,
    "current": true,
    "title": "Lisinopril - Lisinopril TABLET",
    "product_type": "HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG LABEL",
    "effective_on": "2024-05-28",
    "labeler_name": "Pharmasource Meds, LLC",
    "first_product_marketing_started_on": "2023-05-02",
    "last_product_marketing_ended_on": "2025-02-28",
    "ndc_product_codes": [
    "pmg_section_count": 1,
    "hpi_section_count": 18,
    "sli_section_count": 9,
    "all_section_count": 27

This endpoint retrieves the list of current FDA labels for a drug, linked through drug products.

HTTP Request


View Therapeutic Alternatives for a Drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003315",
    "name": "Radiographic Contrast Agent",
    "mesh_id": null,
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
    "atc_code": null,
    "atc_level": null,
    "categorization_kind": "therapeutic",
    "synonyms": [
      "Radiographic Contrast Agents",
      "Radiographic Contrast Drug",
    "description": null,
    "drugs": [
        "name": "Ioxilan",
        "drugbank_id": "DB09135"
        "name": "Diatrizoate",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00271"

This endpoint retrieves lists of drugs as therapeutic alternatives based on the provided drug’s therapeutic categorizations.

The results are returned as individual categories where the provided drug is considered therapeutic for that category, each with a separate list of drug alternatives.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the linked therapeutic alternatives.

Drug-Drug Interactions

Provide a list of DrugBank drug ids to get a list of interactions between the given drugs, and/or a list of products to get a list of interactions between ingredients in the given products. Products can be specified by product concept ID or regional product code.

The number of query terms that can be provided in a single query is limited to 40. These query parameters can be sent as url parameters or as JSON in the body of a POST request. A single request can mix different query terms, for instance, drug ids with product concept ids.

Drug-Drug Interactions (DDI) Plugin

Our DDI Plugin provides a “plug and play” alternative to implementing all of our “Find DDI” endpoints below:

As a standard web component, it is easy to integrate to suit your needs and comes with a number of available properties to fine-tune its functionality. This plugin can be used together with our Medication Search Plugin. For more information, please see this public repository.

Common Query Parameter Values

Return a list of drug interactions, including their references:

curl -L ',DB01363&include_references=true' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "interactions": [
      "ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01236",
        "name": "Sevoflurane"
      "affected_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01363",
        "name": "Ephedra sinica root"
      "description": "Sevoflurane may increase the arrhythmogenic activities of Ephedra sinica root.",
      "extended_description": "The use of ephedra is currently either banned or strongly recommended against as being unsafe in many countries [L3650, L3651, F648]...",
      "action": "increase_specific_effects",
      "severity": "major",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_1",
      "management": "Avoid coadministration of ephedra with cyclopropane or halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics whenever possible...",
      "references": {
        "literature_references": [
            "ref_id": "A35004",
            "pubmed_id": 17594156,
            "citation": "Hahm TS, Lee JJ, Yang MK, Kim JA: Risk factors for an intraoperative arrhythmia during esophagectomy..."
            "ref_id": "A35071",
            "pubmed_id": 18941968,
            "citation": "Himmel HM: Mechanisms involved in cardiac sensitization by volatile anesthetics: general applicability to halogenated hydrocarbons? Crit Rev Toxicol..."
        "textbooks": [],
        "external_links": [
            "ref_id": "L3620",
            "title": "Electronic Medicines Compendium: Ephedrine Hydrochloride Injection 3MG PER ML Monograph",
            "url": ""
            "ref_id": "L3650",
            "title": "National Institutes of Health: FDA Prohibits Sales of Dietary Supplements Containing Ephedra",
            "url": ""
        "attachments": [
            "ref_id": "F648",
            "title": "European Food Safety Authority: Scientific Opinion on Safety Evaluation of Ephedra Species for use in Food",
            "url": "//"
  "total_results": 1

For any interaction query the parameters listed in the table below can be used:

Parameter Default Description
severity null Limits results by the severity of the interactions. May be major, moderate, or minor.
evidence_level null Limits results by the evidence level of the interactions. May be level_1 or level_2.
include_references false If true, includes the references for each interaction. See References for details on the format.

An explanation of some of the interaction properties:

Property Type Description
severity string The severity of this drug interaction; either minor, moderate, or major.
action string The resulting effect of this interaction on the pharmacological activity of the drug.
evidence_level string level_1: Mentioned in the the drug monograph (FDA, Health Canada, EMA, etc) and has been confirmed in clinical studies (cohort, case-control, case study etc.)
level_2: Has been confirmed in at least 1 cohort, case-control, or case study and may or not be mentioned in a drug monograph.

Find DDI with Local Product ID

Return a list of moderate drug interactions involving the products with the NDC codes 0169-5174 and 0013-2626:

curl -L ',0013-2626&severity=moderate' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "interactions": [
      "product_ndc_product_codes": [
      "product_name": "Activella",
      "product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00783",
        "name": "Estradiol"
      "affected_product_ndc_product_code": [
      "affected_product_name": "Genotropin",
      "affected_product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00052",
        "name": "Somatotropin"
      "description": "The therapeutic efficacy of Somatotropin can be decreased when used in combination with Estradiol.",
      "extended_description": "Estrogens affects the actions of growth hormone (GH) at early age by stimulating pituitary GH secretion, modulating GHR-JAK2-STAT5 signalling pathway, ...",
      "action": "decrease_therapeutic_efficacy",
      "severity": "moderate",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_2",
      "management": "Monitor for reduced growth hormone efficacy..."
  "total_results": 1

Return a list of drug interactions involving the products with the DPD IDs 02341093 and 02282623:

curl -L ',02282623' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "interactions": [
      "product_dpd_ids": [
      "product_name": "Accel-amlodipine",
      "product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00381",
        "name": "Amlodipine"
      "affected_product_dpd_id": [
      "affected_product_name": "Act Risperidone",
      "affected_product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00734",
        "name": "Risperidone"
      "description": "Amlodipine may increase the hypotensive activities of Risperidone.",
      "extended_description": "Risperidone may induce orthostatic hypotension associated with dizziness, tachycardia, and in some patients, syncope, especially during the initial dos...",
      "action": "increase_specific_effects",
      "severity": "minor",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_1",
      "management": "Caution should be exercised when co-administering risperidone with agents associated with hypotension..."
  "total_results": 1

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
<PRODUCT_ID_FIELD> Product ID field from corresponding regions
<LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID> A comma delimited list of Local Product IDs

Searching for local region codes outside of the specified regions is not supported.

Find DDI with Product Concepts

Return a list of drug interactions involving the Product concepts with the DrugBank IDs DBPC0248838 and DBPC0061207:

curl -L ',DBPC0061207' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "interactions": [
      "product_concept_id": "DBPC0061207",
      "product_concept_name": "Methylphenidate 18 mg Tablet, extended release",
      "product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00422",
        "name": "Methylphenidate"
      "affected_product_concept_id": "DBPC0248838",
      "affected_product_concept_name": "Isoflurane 100% [Forane]",
      "affected_product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00753",
        "name": "Isoflurane"
      "description": "Methylphenidate may increase the hypertensive activities of Isoflurane.",
      "extended_description": "Prescribing information for many formulations of methylphenidate recommend against the use of methylphenidate with a halogenated anesthetic...",
      "action": "increase_specific_effects",
      "severity": "major",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_1",
      "management": "The combined use of methylphenidate with a halogenated anesthetic should be avoided..."
  "total_results": 1

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
product_concept_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank Product concept IDs.

To search by Product concept the Product concept IDs should be joined with a comma, and not include any quotations.

Find DDI with DrugBank ID

Return a list of drug interactions involving drug ingredients with the DrugBank IDs DB09034 and DB00615:

curl -L ',DB01193' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "interactions": [
      "ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01193",
        "name": "Acebutolol"
      "affected_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00497",
        "name": "Oxycodone"
      "description": "The metabolism of Oxycodone can be decreased when combined with Acebutolol.",
      "extended_description": "The subject drug is known to be an inhibitor of CYP2D6 while the affected drug is reported to be metabolized by CYP2D6...",
      "action": "decrease_dynamics",
      "severity": "moderate",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_2",
      "management": "If concomitant therapy is required, patients should be monitored for adverse effects related to the affected drug..."
  "total_results": 1

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
drugbank_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank drug IDs.

To search by DrugBank ID the DrugBank IDs should be joined with a comma, and not include any quotations.

Find DDI with mixed input

Return a list of drug interactions involving the specified products, drugs, and/or product concepts:

curl -L ',0056-0173&drugbank_id=DB00503,DB01221,DB00331,DB00819&product_concept_id=DBPC0024484,DBPC0085378' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "interactions": [
      "product_concept_id": "DBPC0024484",
      "product_concept_name": "Abacavir",
      "product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01048",
        "name": "Abacavir"
      "affected_product_ndc_product_code": [
      "affected_product_name": "Coumadin",
      "affected_product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB00682",
        "name": "Warfarin"
      "description": "Abacavir may decrease the excretion rate of Warfarin which could result in a higher serum level.",
      "extended_description": "The renal excretion of drugs is the overall result of a combination of kidney processes that include glomerular filtration, passive diffusion, tubular ...",
      "action": "decrease_excretion",
      "severity": "moderate",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_2",
      "management": "Refer to individual drug prescribing information for dosing or management guidelines..."
      "product_concept_id": "DBPC0024484",
      "product_concept_name": "Abacavir",
      "product_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01048",
        "name": "Abacavir"
      "affected_ingredient": {
        "drugbank_id": "DB01221",
        "name": "Ketamine"
      "description": "Abacavir may decrease the excretion rate of Ketamine which could result in a higher serum level.",
      "extended_description": "The renal excretion of drugs is the overall result of a combination of kidney processes that include glomerular filtration, passive diffusion, tubular ...",
      "action": "decrease_excretion",
      "severity": "minor",
      "subject_dosage": "",
      "affected_dosage": "",
      "evidence_level": "level_2",
      "management": "Refer to individual drug prescribing information for dosing or management guidelines. Caution is generally advised."
  "total_results": 28

The interacting ingredients in each product are identified by name and DrugBank identifier.

HTTP Request


To search with multiple IDs/terms, combine the paramaters as specified in the examples above into a single request. Interactions returned by this method may be drug-drug, drug-product, drug-product-concept, etc. The output format therefore can vary from interaction to interaction, depending on what parameters it is based on.


DrugBank’s structured indications provide a method of describing the uses of a drugs. Documentation is available for the structured indications and conditions objects.

Common Query Parameter Values

When specified, the parameters listed in the table below can be used with the following values:

Parameter Value Description
more null No effect - indications are returned based solely on the names of conditions.
more specific Include indications for more specific forms of the conditions matching the q parameter.
more general Include indications for more general forms of the conditions matching the q parameter.
off_label null No effect - indications will be returned regardless of off_label value.
off_label false Only labelled indications will be returned.
off_label true Only off-label indications will be returned.
kind blank Indications will be returned regardless of kind attribute.
kind single value Example: kind=treatment_of Only indications for which the kind attribute is “treatment_of” will be returned.
kind comma-delimted values Example: kind=treatment_of,management_of Only indications for which the kind attribute matches the provided values will be returned.
otc_use null No effect - indications will be returned regardless of otc_use value.
otc_use true Only indications for which the otc_use attribute is true will be returned.
otc_use false Only indications for which the otc_use attribute is false will be returned.

Data Types

The indications API uses the following data types:

Structured Indications

  "off_label": false,
  "otc_use": false,
  "adjunct_use": false,
  "military_use": false,
  "kind": "used_in_combination_as_diagnostic_agent",
  "condition": {
    "title": "occlusive vascular disease",
    "meddra_id": null,
    "icd10_id": null
  "process": {
    "title": "magnetic resonance angiography",
    "meddra_id": "llt/10057784",
    "icd10_id": null
  "min_age": {
    "amount": 10,
    "unit": "day"
  "max_age": {
    "amount": 20,
    "unit": "year"
  "with_therapies": [{
    "title": "Prostate external beam radiation therapy",
    "meddra_id": "llt/10036924",
    "icd10_id": null
  "with_drugs": [
      "name": "Flutamide",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00499",
      "combination_type": "mixture"
  "with_drug_categories": [
    "title": "Corticosteroids",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000428",
    "mesh_id": "D000305"
  "combination_type": "mixture"

Note that the above indication includes extra data for the purpose of illustrating the related data structures.

Property Type Description
off_label boolean
otc_use boolean
adjunct_use boolean When accessing via a product or product concept, true if the dbpc is directly related to the indication, otherwise false.
kind string Denotes the kind of use this indication describes.
timeline string Specifies the timeline (ex. short-term), if necessary.
route string Route of administration of the drug(s) in the indication.
dose_form string Dose form in which the indication applies.
dose_strength string Dose strength in which the indication applies.
regions string array A list of regions to which this indication applies.
sex_group string Denotes any restrictions of this indication based on patient sex. Possible values are null, “male”, “female”, or “all”.
min_age object This indication applies only to patients this age or older.
max_age object This indication applies only to patients this age or younger.
age_groups string array List of age groups to which this indication applies.
excluded_age_groups string array List of age groups to which this indication does not apply.
genetic_factors Genetic Factor array
genetic_factors.includes Genetic Factor array
genetic_factors.excludes Genetic Factor array
combination_drugs simplified Drug array Denotes drugs administered in combination for this indication.
adjunct_drugs simplified Drug array Denotes drugs administered in adjunct for this indication.
combination_drug_categories simplified Category array Denotes drug categories administered in combination for this indication.
adjunct_drug_categories simplified Category array Denotes drug categories administered in adjunct for this indication.
combination_type string Describes how the indication combines drugs.

Some indication properties contain lists of simple objects, described in the table below:

Property Array? Item Properties
combination_drugs array drugbank_id, name
adjunct_drugs array drugbank_id, name
combination_drug_categories array drugbank_id, title, mesh_id
adjunct_drug_categories array drugbank_id, title, mesh_id
min_age object amount (integer), unit (string, one of “day”, “week”, “month”, “year”)
max_age object amount (integer), unit (string, one of “day”, “week”, “month”, “year”)

Within indications, it is commonly required to describe a medical condition. These are described below, in the condition objects section. The following indication properties take this form:

Property Type Description
condition Condition The condition which is the target of this indication.
induction_of Condition A condition which is induced by the drug.
process Condition Denotes a diagnosic process in diagnost indications.
therapy Condition Describes a therapy which is provided by this drug.
mechanism Condition Denotes the mechanism through which this drug achieves/contributes to the desired change.
condition_associated_with Condition array
equivalent_concept Condition A condition equivalent to the indication. Some indications can be directly mapped to MedDRA or ICD10 concepts.
with_therapies Condition array Denotes adjunct therapies in adjunct indications.
patient_characteristics Condition array List of one or more patient characteristics. Example: “immunocompromised”
excluded_patient_characteristic Condition array List of characteristics which exclude patients from this indication.


Combination indications include a combination_type field which denotes the type of combination described. This field can take on one of the 3 values listed in the table below.

combination_type Value Description
product Indication refers to a single product with multiple ingredients
mixture Indication refers to many products which use this ingredient along with others. In those combination products, each ingredient may have a distinct purpose. Example: cough/cold products often combine many ingredients, each with a separate purpose.
regimen Indication refers to a drug (potentially in a combination product) which is used with other products as part of a treatment regimen or cocktail.

Some indications apply to a combination product being used as part of a regimen. These indications will have a "combination_type": "regimen" value, which may obscure the fact that some of the drugs in with_drugs are used in a combination product with the indicated drug. For this reason, each drug in the with_drugs array is given its own combination_type field. Generally this matches the combination_type of the enclosing indication, but in the product/regimen scenario, any of the drugs in with_drugs with "combination_type": "product" are part of the combination product including the main drug of this indication.

Genetic Factors

Describes a genetic factor for indications, or conditions.

Property Type Description
gene Condition
mutation Condition
positive_finding Condition
negative_finding Condition
related_genes Condition array

Search indications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "kind": "used_in_combination_for_symptomatic_treatment_of",
    "off_label": false,
    "otc_use": true,
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "dose_strength": [],
    "combination_type": "product",
    "drug": {
      "name": "Menthyl salicylate",
      "drugbank_id": "DB11201"
    "regions": "US",
    "condition": {
      "name": "Arthritis",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0016433",
      "meddra_id": "pt/10003246",
      "snomed_id": "d/7278014",
      "icd10_id": "c/M19.90"
    "combination_drugs": [
        "name": "Levomenthol",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00825"

This endpoint searches for conditions, and then returns indications related to those conditions. Documentation is available for the indication and condition JSON objects.

This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q “” Text used to search conditions by name.
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications.
curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DB11201",
    "name": "Menthyl salicylate",
    "cas_number": "89-46-3",
    "annotation_status": "complete",
    "availability_by_region": [
        "region": "ca",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": false,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": true
        "region": "us",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": false,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": true,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
    "description": "Menthyl salicylate is an ester of menthol and salicylic acid [L2808]...",
    "simple_description": null,
    "clinical_description": null,
    "synonyms": [
      "1-Menthyl salicylate",
      "Menthyl salicylate, (+/-)-"
    "pharmacology": {
      "indication_description": "\r\n\r\nFor the temporary relief of pain associated with rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, sprains and strains of joints and muscles, lumbago and fibrositi...",
      "pharmacodynamic_description": "Menthol and methyl salicylate are known as counterirritants...",
      "mechanism_of_action_description": "\r\nMenthol dilates the blood vessels causing a sensation of coldness, followed by an analgesic effect...",
      "absorption": "May be absorbed through intact skin...",
      "protein_binding": "",
      "volume_of_distribution": [],
      "clearance": [],
      "half_life": "",
      "route_of_elimination": "",
      "toxicity_description": "Salicylate intoxication may occur after ingestion or topical application of menthyl salicylate..."
    "food_interactions": [],
    "identifiers": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB11201",
      "inchi": "InChI=1S/C17H24O3/c1-11(2)13-9-8-12(3)10-16(13)20-17(19)14-6-4-5-7-15(14)18/h4-7,11-13,16,18H,8-10H2,1-3H3/t12-,13+,16-/m1/s1",
      "atc_codes": []
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000049",
        "name": "Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal",
        "mesh_id": "D000894",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "S01BC",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents, Aspirin-Like",
          "Agents, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory",
        "description": "Anti-inflammatory agents that are non-steroidal in nature..."

This endpoint retrieves drugs based on a search of conditions and related indications. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


This endpoint supports pagination.

URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q “” Text used to search conditions by name.
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
include_references false If true, includes the lists of references for each drug. See References for details.

Example: Search indications by condition and more specific forms

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DB00531",
    "name": "Cyclophosphamide",
    "cas_number": "50-18-0",
    "annotation_status": "complete",
    "availability_by_region": [
        "region": "ca",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
        "region": "us",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": true,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
    "description": "Precursor of an alkylating nitrogen mustard antineoplastic and immunosuppressive agent that must be activated in the liver to form the active aldophosp...",
    "simple_description": "A medication used to treat certain cancers.",
    "clinical_description": "A nitrogen mustard used to treat lymphomas, myelomas, leukemia, mycosis fungoides, neuroblastoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, retinoblastoma, and breast ca...",
    "synonyms": [
    "pharmacology": {
      "indication_description": "Cyclophosphamide for intravenous injection is indicated for the treatment of a number of malignancies, including: Hodgkin’s disease, lymphocytic lympho...",
      "pharmacodynamic_description": "Cyclophosphamide is an antineoplastic in the class of alkylating agents and is used to treat various forms of cancer...",
      "mechanism_of_action_description": "Alkylating agents work by three different mechanisms: 1) attachment of alkyl groups to DNA bases, resulting in the DNA being fragmented by repair enzym...",
      "absorption": "After oral administration, peak concentrations occur at one hour. ",
      "protein_binding": "20% of cyclophosphamide is protein bound with no dose dependent changes. Some metabolites are protein bound to an extent greater than 60%. ",
      "volume_of_distribution": [
        "30-50 L"
      "clearance": [
        "Total body clearance = 63 ± 7.6 L/kg."
      "half_life": "3-12 hours",
      "route_of_elimination": "Cyclophosphamide is eliminated primarily in the form of metabolites...",
      "toxicity_description": "Adverse reactions reported most often include neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, fever, alopecia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.\r\n"
    "food_interactions": [
      "Drink plenty of fluids. Drink 2 to 3 liters of fluids a day.",
      "Take with food. Food reduces irritation."
    "identifiers": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB00531",
      "inchi": "InChI=1S/C7H15Cl2N2O2P/c8-2-5-11(6-3-9)14(12)10-4-1-7-13-14/h1-7H2,(H,10,12)",
      "atc_codes": [
          "code": "L01AA01",
          "title": "cyclophosphamide",
          "combination": false
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003311",
        "name": "Alkylating Drugs",
        "mesh_id": "D000477",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "L01A",
        "atc_level": 3,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents, Alkylating",
          "Alkylating Agent",
        "description": "Highly reactive chemicals that introduce alkyl radicals into biologically active molecules and thereby prevent their proper functioning..."

HTTP Request


Gets indications for items that match the search term, as well as any more specific terms. For instance, this could match indications for ‘autoimmune disorders’, as well as ‘rheumatoid arthritis’, ‘Celiac disease’, etc..


Common Query Parameter Values

When specified, the parameters listed in the table below can be used with the following values:

Parameter Value Description
more null No effect - indications are returned based solely on the names of conditions.
more specific Include indications for more specific forms of the conditions matching the q parameter.
more general Include indications for more general forms of the conditions matching the q parameter.

Data Types

The conditions API uses the following data types:


  "title": "magnetic resonance angiography",
  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0000008",
  "meddra_id": "llt/10057784",
  "icd10_id": null,
  "snomed_id": null,

  "related_concepts": [{
    "title": "magnetic resonance imaging",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0000007",
    "meddra_id": null,
    "icd10_id": null

Condition objects with title, meddra_id, icd10_id, and snomed_id properties are used in several places in structured indication objects. Often, condition objects denote a medical condition, but they are also used to describe procedures, therapies, and genes.

Condition objects have the following properties

Property Type Description
title string Name/description of the condition
drugbank_id string DrugBank id for the product concept.
meddra_id string MedDRA identifier
icd10_id string ICD10 identifier
snomed_id string SNOMED identifier
uniprot_id string UniProt identifer, for conditions which describe a gene.
related_concepts Condition array
as_drug Drug The DrugBank drug of the same name as this condition, if any exists.
as_drug_category Category The DrugBank drug category of the same name as this condition, if any exists.
modification_of Object See below
combination_of Object See below


  "title": "Conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia",
  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0021916",
  "meddra_id": "pt/10010745",
  "icd10_id": "c/A74.0",

  "synonyms": [
    "Conjunctivitis chlamydial",
    "Chlamydial Conjunctivitis",
    "Inclusion blenorrhoea",
    "Inclusion blenorrhea",
    "Conjunctivitis, Inclusion",
    "Inclusion conjunctivitis"
  "combination_of": {
    "additional_characteristics": [],
    "caused_by": [
        "title": "Chlamydial Infections",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0020995",
        "meddra_id": "hlt/10008561",
        "icd10_id": "c/A74.9",
        "uniprot_id": null
    "included_conditions": [
        "title": "Conjunctivitis",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0009989",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10010741",
        "icd10_id": "c/H10.9",
        "uniprot_id": null
    "excluded_conditions": []

This property describes the outer Condition as a combination of other conditions. Often, this is used to tie a group of conditions to each individual condition which are more likely to have a MedDRA ID, ICD10 ID, etc.

Property Type Description
caused_by Condition array
included_conditions Condition array
excluded_conditions Condition array
additional_characteristics Condition array Characteristic of the combination condition.


  "title": "acute, non-severe allergic rhinitis",
  "modification_of": {
    "base": {
      "title": "allergic rhinitis"
    "severity": {
      "includes": [ "acute" ],
      "excludes": [ "severe" ]

This property describes the outer Condition as a modification to another condition. Often, this is used to tie a slightly more specific form of a condition to a more general form, which is more likely to have a MedDRA ID, ICD10 ID, etc. For instance, “acute allergic rhinitis” could be considered to be “allergic rhinitis” with the additional modifier “acute”.

Property Type Description
base Condition The base condition which is being modified.
location string
condition_stage string
condition_status string
severity object
severity.includes string array
severity.excludes string array

Condition Search Plugin

Our condition search plugin provides a “plug and play” alternative to implementing our search conditions endpoint:

As a standard web component, it is easy to integrate and style to suit your needs. For more information, please see this public repository.

Search conditions

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "hits": [
        "field": "general title",
        "value": "<em>Arth</em>ritis/<em>Arth</em>rosis"
        "field": "title",
        "value": "<em>Arth</em>ritis/<em>Arth</em>rosis"
    "name": "Arthritis/Arthrosis",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0086825",
    "uniprot_id": null,
    "meddra_id": null,
    "icd10_id": null,
    "snomed_id": "d/400379010"
    "hits": [
        "field": "general title",
        "value": "<em>Arth</em>ritis and <em>Arth</em>ralgia"
        "field": "title",
        "value": "<em>Arth</em>ritis and <em>Arth</em>ralgia"
    "name": "Arthritis and Arthralgia",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0142150",
    "uniprot_id": null,
    "meddra_id": null,
    "icd10_id": null,
    "snomed_id": null

This endpoint returns a list of conditions suitable for use with autocomplete forms based on a query string. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q “” Text used to search conditions by name.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see fuzzy searching).
exact false Determines how text results are matched. exact=true will not include partial matches such as ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’ for the query ‘arthritis’.

Get a condition

This endpoint retrieves a specific condition based on ID (DrugBank Condition ID).

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "name": "Gout",
  "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0015777",
  "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
  "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
  "icd10_id": "c/M10",
  "modification_of": {
    "base": {
      "name": "Gouty Arthritis",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0052747",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
      "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
      "icd10_id": "c/M10"
    "severity": {
      "includes": [
      "excludes": []
  "more_general": [
      "name": "Disorders of purine metabolism",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027454",
      "meddra_id": "hlt/10070968",
      "snomed_id": "d/54443017"
      "name": "Purine and pyrimidine metabolism disorders",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027729",
      "meddra_id": "hlgt/10037546",
      "snomed_id": "d/3036760010",
      "icd10_id": "c/E79.9"
  "more_specific": [
      "name": "Refractory Gout",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0025787",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10088490",
      "snomed_id": "c/90560007",
      "icd10_id": "c/M10.9"
      "name": "Chronic, refractory Gout",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0112054",
      "icd10_id": "c/M1A.9"
  "indications": [
      "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_treatment_of",
      "off_label": false,
      "otc_use": false,
      "route": [
      "dose_form": [
      "dose_strength": [],
      "timeline": "short-term",
      "drug": {
        "name": "Corticotropin",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01285"
      "regions": "US",
      "condition": {
        "name": "Acute Gouty Arthritis",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0032167",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
        "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
        "icd10_id": "c/M10",
        "modification_of": {
          "base": {
            "name": "Gouty Arthritis",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0052747",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
            "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
            "icd10_id": "c/M10"
          "severity": {
            "includes": [
            "excludes": []
      "patient_characteristics": [
          "name": "Acute Exacerbation",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0034186",
          "modification_of": {
            "base": {
              "name": "Exacerbation",
              "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0036928"
            "severity": {
              "includes": [
              "excludes": []
      "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_management_of",
      "off_label": false,
      "otc_use": false,
      "route": [
      "dose_form": [
      "dose_strength": [],
      "drug": {
        "name": "Methylprednisolone",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00959"
      "regions": "US",
      "condition": {
        "name": "Acute Gouty Arthritis",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0032167",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
        "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
        "icd10_id": "c/M10",
        "modification_of": {
          "base": {
            "name": "Gouty Arthritis",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0052747",
            "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
            "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
            "icd10_id": "c/M10"
          "severity": {
            "includes": [
            "excludes": []

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Get indications linked to a condition

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_treatment_of",
    "off_label": false,
    "otc_use": false,
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [
    "dose_strength": [],
    "timeline": "short-term",
    "drug": {
      "name": "Corticotropin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB01285"
    "regions": "US",
    "condition": {
      "name": "Acute Gouty Arthritis",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0032167",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
      "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
      "icd10_id": "c/M10",
      "modification_of": {
        "base": {
          "name": "Gouty Arthritis",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0052747",
          "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
          "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
          "icd10_id": "c/M10"
        "severity": {
          "includes": [
          "excludes": []
    "patient_characteristics": [
        "name": "Acute Exacerbation",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0034186",
        "modification_of": {
          "base": {
            "name": "Exacerbation",
            "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0036928"
          "severity": {
            "includes": [
            "excludes": []
    "kind": "adjunct_therapy_in_management_of",
    "off_label": false,
    "otc_use": false,
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [
    "dose_strength": [],
    "drug": {
      "name": "Methylprednisolone",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00959"
    "regions": "US",
    "condition": {
      "name": "Acute Gouty Arthritis",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0032167",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
      "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
      "icd10_id": "c/M10",
      "modification_of": {
        "base": {
          "name": "Gouty Arthritis",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0052747",
          "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
          "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
          "icd10_id": "c/M10"
        "severity": {
          "includes": [
          "excludes": []

This endpoint retrieves indications linked to a condition.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications.

This endpoint supports pagination.

Get product concepts linked to a condition

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Corticotropin Intramuscular; Subcutaneous Injection",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0217426",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 3,
    "route": "Intramuscular; Subcutaneous",
    "form": "Injection",
    "strengths": null,
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
    "standing_active_since": "2005-09-09",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": false,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": false,
      "colombia": false,
      "turkey": false,
      "italy": false,
      "malaysia": false,
      "austria": false,
      "indonesia": false,
      "thailand": false,
      "singapore": false,
      "mexico": false
    "rxnorm_concepts": [
        "name": "corticotropin Injectable Solution",
        "RXCUI": "371633"
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Corticotropin",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Corticotropin",
          "drugbank_id": "DB01285"
    "name": "Methylprednisolone",
    "display_name": null,
    "drugbank_pcid": "DBPC0017364",
    "brand": null,
    "level": 1,
    "route": null,
    "form": null,
    "strengths": null,
    "standing": "active",
    "standing_updated_at": "2018-09-12",
    "standing_active_since": "1957-10-24",
    "regions": {
      "us": true,
      "canada": true,
      "eu": false,
      "germany": true,
      "colombia": true,
      "turkey": true,
      "italy": true,
      "malaysia": true,
      "austria": true,
      "indonesia": true,
      "thailand": true,
      "singapore": true,
      "mexico": true
    "rxnorm_concepts": [
        "name": "methylprednisolone",
        "RXCUI": "6902"
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Methylprednisolone",
        "drug": {
          "name": "Methylprednisolone",
          "drugbank_id": "DB00959"

This endpoint retrieves product concepts linked to a condition.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications used to find product concepts.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications used to find product concepts.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications used to find product concepts.
level The product concept level to filter by (optional).
min_level The minimum product concept level to return (optional).
min_level The maximum product concept level to return (optional).
unbranded_only false If true, returns only product concepts without an associated brand.

Get drugs linked to a condition via indications

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DB01551",
    "name": "Dihydrocodeine",
    "cas_number": "125-28-0",
    "annotation_status": "complete",
    "availability_by_region": [
        "region": "ca",
        "max_phase": 0,
        "marketed_prescription": false,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
        "region": "us",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": true,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
    "description": "Dihydrocodeine is an opioid analgesic used as an alternative or adjunct to codeine to treat moderate to severe pain, severe dyspnea, and cough...",
    "simple_description": "A medication used to reduce severe pain in various conditions, including surgeries and dental procedures.",
    "clinical_description": "An opioid analgesic agent used for the management of pain severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and for which alternative treatments are inadequ...",
    "synonyms": [
    "pharmacology": {
      "indication_description": "Dihydrocodeine is used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, including post-operative and dental pain [2]...",
      "pharmacodynamic_description": "Possible opioid related side effects include, but are not limited to, drowsiness, nausea, headache, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty passing urine, ...",
      "mechanism_of_action_description": "Dihydrocodeine is metabolized to dihydromorphine -- a highly active metabolite with a high affinity for mu opioid receptors. [3]",
      "absorption": "Bioavailability is low (approximately 20%) if administered orally...",
      "protein_binding": "",
      "volume_of_distribution": [
        "The disposition of dihydrocodeine is described as a two compartment model. [2]"
      "clearance": [
        "Plasma clearance is approximately 300ml/min. [2]",
      "half_life": "4h",
      "route_of_elimination": "Renal elimination and urinary excretion. [1]",
      "toxicity_description": ""
    "food_interactions": [
      "Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can enhance the CNS depressant effects of this drug."
    "identifiers": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB01551",
      "inchi": "InChI=1S/C18H23NO3/c1-19-8-7-18-11-4-5-13(20)17(18)22-16-14(21-2)6-3-10(15(16)18)9-12(11)19/h3,6,11-13,17,20H,4-5,7-9H2,1-2H3/t11-,12+,13-,17-,18-/m0/s...",
      "atc_codes": [
          "code": "N02AA58",
          "title": "dihydrocodeine, combinations",
          "combination": true
          "code": "N02AA08",
          "title": "dihydrocodeine",
          "combination": false
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003293",
        "name": "Opioid Agonist",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [
          "Opioid Agonists"
        "description": null
    "drugbank_id": "DB00945",
    "name": "Acetylsalicylic acid",
    "cas_number": "50-78-2",
    "annotation_status": "complete",
    "availability_by_region": [
        "region": "ca",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": true,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
        "region": "us",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": true,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
    "description": "Also known as _Aspirin_, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is a commonly used drug for the treatment of pain and fever due to various causes...",
    "simple_description": "A painkiller used to treat pain, fever, inflammation, and migraines, as well as reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other events.",
    "clinical_description": "A salicylate used to treat pain, fever, inflammation, migraines, and reducing the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events.",
    "synonyms": [
      "2-Acetoxybenzenecarboxylic acid",
      "2-Acetoxybenzoic acid",
    "pharmacology": {
      "indication_description": "**Pain, fever, and inflammation**\r\n\r\nAcetylsalicylic acid (ASA), in the regular tablet form (immediate-release), is indicated to relieve pain, fever, a...",
      "pharmacodynamic_description": "**Effects on pain and fever**\r\n\r\nAcetylsalicylic acid disrupts the production of prostaglandins throughout the body by targeting cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-...",
      "mechanism_of_action_description": "Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) blocks prostaglandin synthesis...",
      "absorption": "\r\nAbsorption is generally rapid and complete following oral administration but absorption may be variable depending on the route, dosage form, and othe...",
      "protein_binding": "50% to 90% of a normal therapeutic concentration salicylate (a main metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid [FDA label]) binds plasma proteins, particularly...",
      "volume_of_distribution": [
        "This drug is distributed to body tissues shortly after administration..."
      "clearance": [
        "The clearance rate of acetylsalicylic acid is extremely variable, depending on several factors [A177217]..."
      "half_life": "The half-life of ASA in the circulation ranges from 13 - 19 minutes...",
      "route_of_elimination": "Excretion of salicylates occurs mainly through the kidney, by the processes of glomerular filtration and tubular excretion, in the form of free salicyl...",
      "toxicity_description": "**Lethal doses**\r\n\r\nAcute oral LD50 values have been reported as over 1..."
    "food_interactions": [
      "Avoid alcohol. Alcohol increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.",
      "Avoid herbs and supplements with anticoagulant/antiplatelet activity...",
    "identifiers": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB00945",
      "inchi": "InChI=1S/C9H8O4/c1-6(10)13-8-5-3-2-4-7(8)9(11)12/h2-5H,1H3,(H,11,12)",
      "atc_codes": [
          "code": "B01AC06",
          "title": "acetylsalicylic acid",
          "combination": false
          "code": "C07FX04",
          "title": "bisoprolol and acetylsalicylic acid",
          "combination": true
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000049",
        "name": "Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal",
        "mesh_id": "D000894",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "S01BC",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents, Aspirin-Like",
          "Agents, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory",
        "description": "Anti-inflammatory agents that are non-steroidal in nature..."
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000149",
        "name": "Antiplatelet agents",
        "mesh_id": "D010975",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents with Antiplatelet Properties",
          "Agents with Antiplatelet Properties (e.g., P2Y12 inhibitors, NSAIDs, SSRIs, etc.)",
        "description": "Drugs or agents which antagonize or impair any mechanism leading to blood platelet aggregation, whether during the phases of activation and shape chang..."

This endpoint retrieves drugs linked to a condition via indications.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
off_label null Limits results by the value of the off_label attribute of the indications used to find drugs.
otc_use null Limits results by the value of the otc_use attribute of the indications used to find drugs.
kind null Limits results by the value of the kind attribute of the indications used to find drugs.
include_references false If true, includes the lists of references for each drug. See References for details.

Get more general forms of a condition

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Disorders of purine metabolism",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027454",
    "meddra_id": "hlt/10070968",
    "snomed_id": "d/54443017"
    "name": "Purine and pyrimidine metabolism disorders",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0027729",
    "meddra_id": "hlgt/10037546",
    "snomed_id": "d/3036760010",
    "icd10_id": "c/E79.9"

This endpoint retrieves more general forms of a condition.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Get more specific forms of a condition

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Refractory Gout",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0025787",
    "meddra_id": "llt/10088490",
    "snomed_id": "c/90560007",
    "icd10_id": "c/M10.9",
    "modification_of": {
      "base": {
        "name": "Gout",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0015777",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
        "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
        "icd10_id": "c/M10"
      "severity": {
        "includes": [
        "excludes": []
    "combination_of": {
      "additional_characteristics": [
      "included_conditions": [
          "name": "Gout",
          "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0015777",
          "meddra_id": "llt/10018634",
          "snomed_id": "d/767712010",
          "icd10_id": "c/M10"
    "name": "Refractory Chronic Gout",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0116735",
    "icd10_id": "c/M1A.9",
    "modification_of": {
      "base": {
        "name": "Refractory Gout",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0025787",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10088490",
        "snomed_id": "c/90560007",
        "icd10_id": "c/M10.9"
      "severity": {
        "includes": [
        "excludes": []

This endpoint retrieves more specific forms of a condition.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.
curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Inflammation",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0012215",
    "meddra_id": "llt/10021995",
    "snomed_id": "d/39611018"
    "name": "Pain",
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0012160",
    "meddra_id": "llt/10033371",
    "snomed_id": "d/253262010",
    "icd10_id": "c/R52"

This endpoint retrieves related conditions.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.


View Allergy Alternatives for a Drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003315",
    "name": "Radiographic Contrast Agent",
    "mesh_id": null,
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
    "atc_code": null,
    "atc_level": null,
    "categorization_kind": "therapeutic",
    "synonyms": [
      "Radiographic Contrast Agents",
      "Radiographic Contrast Drug",
    "description": null,
    "drugs": [
        "name": "Ioxilan",
        "drugbank_id": "DB09135",
        "cross_sensitivities": [
            "summary": "As an Iodine Radio-contrast Medium, Iopromide is known to be cross-sensitive with Iodine Radio-contrast Media",
            "incidence": "67%"
        "name": "Diatrizoate",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00271",
        "cross_sensitivities": [
            "summary": "As an Iodine Radio-contrast Medium, Iopromide is known to be cross-sensitive with Iodine Radio-contrast Media",
            "incidence": "67%"

This endpoint retrieves lists of drugs as allergy alternatives based on the provided drug’s therapeutic categorizations and cross-sensitivities.

The results are returned as individual categories where the provided drug is considered therapeutic for that category, each with a separate list of drug alternatives. Any applicable cross-sensitivities are shown with summary and incidence.

For more information on a specific cross-sensitivity, use this endpoint with the applicable DrugBank IDs.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the drug alternatives.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
show_cross_sensitivities true When set to false, alternatives with any cross sensitivities will be filtered out. When set to true, all alternatives will be shown with inline cross sensitivity information.

View Drug Alternatives for a Product Allergy

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Omeprazole",
    "drugbank_id": "DB00338",
    "categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000541",
        "name": "Proton Pump Inhibitors",
        "mesh_id": "D054328",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "A02BC",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [
          "Inhibitors, Proton Pump",
          "PP Inhibitors",
        "description": "Compounds that inhibit H(+)-K(+)-EXCHANGING ATPASE...",
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Pantoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00213",
            "cross_sensitivities": [
                "summary": "As a Proton Pump Inhibitor, Omeprazole is known to be cross-sensitive with Proton Pump Inhibitors",
                "incidence": "Rare"
            "name": "Lansoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00448",
            "cross_sensitivities": [
                "summary": "As a Proton Pump Inhibitor, Omeprazole is known to be cross-sensitive with Proton Pump Inhibitors",
                "incidence": "Rare"
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003638",
        "name": "Proton-pump Inhibitors",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [],
        "description": null,
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Pantoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00213",
            "cross_sensitivities": [
                "summary": "As a Proton Pump Inhibitor, Omeprazole is known to be cross-sensitive with Proton Pump Inhibitors",
                "incidence": "Rare"
            "name": "Lansoprazole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00448",
            "cross_sensitivities": [
                "summary": "As a Proton Pump Inhibitor, Omeprazole is known to be cross-sensitive with Proton Pump Inhibitors",
                "incidence": "Rare"

This endpoint retrieves lists of drugs as allergy alternatives based on the therapeutic categorizations of the ingredients associated with the provided product.

Related products to the drug alternatives can then be found using this endpoint.

For more information on a specific cross-sensitivity, use this endpoint with the applicable DrugBank IDs.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the linked drug alternatives.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
show_cross_sensitivities true When set to false, alternatives with any cross sensitivities will be filtered out. When set to true, all alternatives will be shown with inline cross sensitivity information.

View Drug Alternatives for a Product Concept Allergy

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "name": "Hydrochlorothiazide",
    "drugbank_id": "DB00999",
    "categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT005157",
        "name": "Antihypertensive Agents Indicated for Hypertension",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [],
        "description": "Included in this category are agents that have approved indications for the treatment of hypertension...",
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Acebutolol",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01193",
            "cross_sensitivities": []
            "name": "Aliskiren",
            "drugbank_id": "DB09026",
            "cross_sensitivities": []
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000542",
        "name": "Diuretics",
        "mesh_id": "D004232",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "C03",
        "atc_level": 2,
        "categorization_kinds": [
        "synonyms": [
          "Diuretic Effect",
          "Diuretic Effects",
        "description": "Agents that promote the excretion of urine through their effects on kidney function.",
        "drugs": [
            "name": "Torasemide",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00214",
            "cross_sensitivities": []
            "name": "Etacrynic acid",
            "drugbank_id": "DB00903",
            "cross_sensitivities": []

This endpoint retrieves lists of drugs as allergy alternatives based on the therapeutic categorizations of the ingredients associated with the provided product concept.

Related product concepts to the drug alternatives can then be found using this endpoint.

For more information on a specific cross-sensitivity, use this endpoint with the applicable DrugBank IDs.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve the linked drug alternatives.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
show_cross_sensitivities true When set to false, alternatives with any cross sensitivities will be filtered out. When set to true, all alternatives will be shown with inline cross sensitivity information.

Drug-Allergy Checker

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ingredient": {
      "name": "Amoxicillin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB01060"
    "cross_sensitive_entries": [
        "ingredient": {
          "name": "Cefamandole",
          "drugbank_id": "DB01326"
    "summary": "As a Penicillin, Amoxicillin is known to be cross-sensitive with Cephalosporins",
    "description": "Recent studies suggest that cross-sensitivity between penicillins and cephalosporins arise from the similarity between the R1 side chain of earlier gen...",
    "incidence": "<10%",
    "evidence_type": [

This endpoint checks known drug allergies against a list of drugs, products or product concepts (including mixed input) for possible cross-sensitivities.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
known_drugbank_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank IDs for which an allergy is known.
known_product_concept_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank Product Concept IDs for which an allergy is known.
known_LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID A comma delimited list of Percent encoded Local Product IDs for which an allergy is known.
drugbank_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank IDs to check against.
product_concept_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank Product Concept IDs to check against.
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID A comma delimited list of Percent encoded Local Product IDs to check against.
include_references If true, includes the lists of references for cross-sensitivity information (defaults to false). See References for details.
curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "hits": [
        "field": "title",
        "value": "<em>Anaph</em>ylaxis"
        "field": "synonyms",
        "value": "<em>anaph</em>ylactic"
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0001820",
    "title": "Anaphylaxis"
    "hits": [
        "field": "title",
        "value": "Nonimmunologic <em>Anaph</em>ylaxis"
        "field": "synonyms",
        "value": "Shock <em>anaph</em>ylactic <em>anaph</em>ylactoid"
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0131490",
    "title": "Nonimmunologic Anaphylaxis"

This endpoint searches for conditions related to allergic presentations. It is compatible with autocomplete and fuzzy search.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q null The string you want to search with.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see Fuzzy Searching).

Notice the hits array returned in the results. The hits contain highlighted snippets from the match. You can use these highlights in autocomplete applications. The matching part of the text is wrapped in an <em> tag, which you can style as you wish in your application.

Get a Presentation

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "condition": {
    "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0001820",
    "title": "Anaphylaxis"
  "hypersensitivity_types": [
    "Type I"
  "simple_description": "Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and a skin rash.",
  "clinical_description": "Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that causes urticaria, dyspnea, wheezing, nausea, vomiting, syncope, and hypotension...",
  "management": "Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening condition and is generally treated with prompt withdrawal of the offending medication, early intramuscular or subcuta..."

This endpoint retrieves a specific presentation entry based on its condition ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The condition ID of the presentation to retrieve.

Allergy Presentation Checker

curl -L ',DB00316&product_concept_id=DBPC0725449' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "allergic_presentations": [
      "name": "Hypersensitivity Vasculitis",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0029210",
      "meddra_id": "llt/10020764",
      "snomed_id": "d/100609019",
      "icd10_id": "c/M31.0",
      "possible_causative_entries": [
          "ingredient": {
            "name": "Cefamandole",
            "drugbank_id": "DB01326"
          "product_concept": {
            "name": "Tivozanib 1.34 mg Capsule",
            "product_concept_id": "DBPC0725449"
          "ingredient": {
            "name": "Tivozanib",
            "drugbank_id": "DB11800"

This endpoint checks a list of drugs, products or product concepts (including mixed input) to identify possible causes for an allergy presentation.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
condition_id A comma delimited list of condition IDs to check against.
drugbank_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank IDs.
product_concept_id A comma delimited list of DrugBank Product Concept IDs.
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID A comma delimited list of Percent encoded Local Product IDs.

Common query parameter values for allergy detail and cross sensitivity endpoints

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
include_presentation_details false If set to true, include details of each presentation.
include_source_details false If set to true, include source_name and source_type for this allergy detail (useful when there are multiple allergy details).
include_references false If true, includes the lists of references for allergy information. See References for details.

Get allergy details for a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "summary": "Hypersensitivity to Iopromide can present as: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Spectrum, Allergy-Induced Respiratory Symptoms, Angio...",
    "info": "Hypersensitivity reactions to iopromide tend to be rare in clinical practice...",
    "evidence_type": [
    "hypersensitivity_types": [
      "Type I",
      "Type IV",
    "presentations": [
      "Allergy-Induced Respiratory Symptoms",

This endpoint retrieves allergy information linked to a drug.

Details will be given as a list which may be empty if the drug has no associated allergy information.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the allergy details.

Get allergy details linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ingredient": {
      "name": "Rifabutin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00615"
    "details": [
        "summary": "Hypersensitivity to Rifamycins can present as: Cutaneous Manifestations of Drug Allergy, drug-induced lupus erythematosus, Allergic Glomerulonephritis,...",
        "info": "Rifamycins are members of the ansamycin antibiotic family with an ansa poly-hydroxylated bridge connecting both ends of a naphthoquinone core, and are ...",
        "evidence_type": [
        "hypersensitivity_types": [
          "Type I",
          "Type II",
        "presentations": [
          "Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis",
          "Acute Interstitial Nephritis",

This endpoint retrieves allergy information linked to ingredients in a product.

Ingredients with no associated allergy details will not show up. Allergy details for each ingredient will show up as a list.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the allergy details.

Get allergy details linked with a product concept

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Amoxicillin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB01060"
    "details": [
        "summary": "Hypersensitivity to Penicillins can present as: Cutaneous Manifestations of Drug Allergy and Erythema multiforme",
        "info": "Penicillin allergy is the most common drug allergy, with incidence ranging between five and 25% by geographical region and population...",
        "evidence_type": [
        "hypersensitivity_types": [
          "Type IV",
        "presentations": [
          "Cutaneous Manifestations of Drug Allergy",
          "Erythema multiforme"

This endpoint retrieves allergy information linked to components of a product concept.

Components with no associated allergy details will not show up. Allergy details for each component will show up as a list.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve the allergy details.

Get cross-sensitivities for a drug

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "cross_sensitive_drugs": [
        "name": "Acetrizoic acid",
        "drugbank_id": "DB09347"
        "name": "Diatrizoate",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00271"
    "summary": "As an Iodine Radio-contrast Medium, Iopromide is known to be cross-sensitive with Iodine Radio-contrast Media",
    "description": "Iodine radio-contrast media hypersensitivity reactions may be due to broadly sensitive T cells, according to lymphocyte transferase tests...",
    "incidence": "67%",
    "evidence_type": [

This endpoint retrieves cross-sensitivity information linked to a drug.

Cross-sensitivities will be given as a list which may be empty if the drug has no associated cross-sensitivities.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the drug to retrieve the cross-sensitivities.

Get cross-sensitivities linked with a product

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ingredient": {
      "name": "Rifabutin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB00615"
    "cross_sensitive_drugs": [
        "name": "Rifampin",
        "drugbank_id": "DB01045"
        "name": "Rifamycin",
        "drugbank_id": "DB11753"
    "summary": "As a Rifamycin, Rifabutin is known to be cross-sensitive with Rifamycins",
    "description": "One _in vitro_ study was performed to determine cross-sensitivity in a patient who was hypersensitive to rifamycin SV and rifaximin...",
    "incidence": "Rare",
    "evidence_type": [

This endpoint retrieves cross-sensitivity information linked to ingredients in a product.

Ingredients with no associated cross-sensitivities will not show up. Cross-sensitivities for each ingredient will show up as a list.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID Percent encoded Local Product ID of the product to retrieve the cross-sensitivities.

Get cross-sensitivities linked with a product concept

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Amoxicillin",
      "drugbank_id": "DB01060"
    "cross_sensitive_drugs": [
        "name": "Clavulanic acid",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00766"
    "summary": "As a Penicillin, Amoxicillin is known to be cross-sensitive with Clavulanic acid",
    "description": "An allergy to clavulanic acid may lead to an allergy to other beta-lactams, such as penicillins and cephalosporins, due to similarities in chemical str...",
    "incidence": "Theoretical",
    "evidence_type": [

This endpoint retrieves cross-sensitivity information linked to components of a product concept.

Components with no associated cross-sensitivities will not show up. Cross-sensitivities for each component will show up as a list.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the product concept to retrieve the cross-sensitivities.


ICD-10 Search Plugin

Our ICD-10 search plugin provides a “plug and play” alternative to implementing our ICD-10 search endpoint:

As a standard web component, it is easy to integrate and style to suit your needs. For more information, please see this public repository.

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "hits": [
        "field": "description",
        "value": "<em>Ameb</em>iasis"
    "identifier": "A06",
    "description": "Amebiasis"
    "hits": [
        "field": "description",
        "value": "<em>Ameb</em>ic cystitis"
    "identifier": "A06.81",
    "description": "Amebic cystitis"

This endpoint searches for ICD-10 concepts: either using the ICD-10 code itself, or by the concept description or inclusion terms. This search is compatible with autocomplete forms and fuzzy search.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q null The string you want to search with.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see Fuzzy Searching).

Notice the hits array returned in the results. The hits contain highlighted snippets from the match. You can use these highlights in autocomplete applications. The matching part of the text is wrapped in an <em> tag, which you can style as you wish in your application. Note that while the hits array includes matches to inclusion terms, the ICD-10 concepts returned are limited to the identifier and description.


Common Category Query Parameter Values

When specified, the parameters listed in the table below can be used with the following values:

Parameter Value Description
include_children blank No effect.
include_children 1, 2 or 3 Include nested children to a depth of 1, 2, or 3.
include_parents blank No effect.
include_parents 1, 2 or 3 Include nested parents to a depth of 1, 2, or 3.
source blank or all Include children/parents from any hierarchy.
source atc Include children/parents from the ATC hierarchy.
source mesh Include children/parents from the MeSH hierarchy.

To limit the amount of data included, parent/child inclusion only goes outward from the categories being shown. I.E. include_parents=all&include_children=all will show all children and all parents of a category, not all children and all parents of all categories related categories. In other words, "parents": [] will not include "children": [] and vice-versa.

ATC and MeSH identifiers

Categories with equivalent entries in ATC and MeSH can be accessed by the identifiers used in ATC and MeSH, in addition to the DrugBank id assigned to those categories. In most cases below, examples of requests by ATC or MeSH identifier will be given without the response, as this would be the regardless of which identifier is used.

View Category

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "drugbank_id": "DBCAT001034",
  "name": "Xanthine derivatives",
  "mesh_id": "D013806",
  "mesh_tree_numbers": [
  "atc_code": "N06BC",
  "atc_level": 4,
  "categorization_kinds": [
  "synonyms": [
    "1,3 Dimethylxanthine",
  "description": "A methyl xanthine derivative from tea with diuretic, smooth muscle relaxant, bronchial dilation, cardiac and central nervous system stimulant activitie..."

This endpoint retrieves a specific category based on DrugBank ID, ATC Code, or MeSH ID.

HTTP Request




URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the category.
ATC_CODE The ATC Code of the category.
MESH_ID The unique MeSH identifier of the category.

View Category by ATC code

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000024",
  "mesh_id": "D000970",
  "mesh_tree_numbers": [
  "atc_code": "L01",
  "atc_level": 2,
  "categorization_kinds": [
  "synonyms": [
    "Agents, Anticancer",
    "Agents, Antineoplastic",
  "description": "Substances that inhibit or prevent the proliferation of NEOPLASMS."

This endpoint retrieves a specific category based on ATC Code.

HTTP Requests


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ATC_CODE The ATC Code of the category to retrieve the parent categories.

View Category by MeSH Unique ID

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "drugbank_id": null,
  "name": "Mercaptopurine",
  "mesh_id": "D015122",
  "mesh_tree_numbers": [
  "atc_code": null,
  "atc_level": null,
  "categorization_kinds": [],
  "synonyms": [],
  "description": null

This endpoint retrieves a specific category based on MeSH Unique Identifier.

HTTP Requests


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
MESH_ID The unique MeSH identifier of the category to retrieve the parent categories.

View Parents of a Category

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000499",
    "name": "Erythromycin",
    "mesh_id": "D004917",
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [
    "atc_code": "S01AA17",
    "atc_level": 5,
    "categorization_kinds": [
    "synonyms": [
      "C, Erythromycin",
    "description": "A bacteriostatic antibiotic macrolide produced by Streptomyces erythreus...",
    "parents": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000496",
        "name": "Macrolides",
        "mesh_id": "D018942",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "J01FA",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "synonyms": [
          "Antibiotic, Macrolide",
          "Macrolide Antibiotics",
        "description": "A group of often glycosylated macrocyclic compounds formed by chain extension of multiple PROPIONATES cyclized into a large (typically 12, 14, or 16)-m...",
        "parents": [
            "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000498",
            "name": "Lactones",
            "mesh_id": "D007783",
            "mesh_tree_numbers": [
            "atc_code": null,
            "atc_level": null,
            "synonyms": [],
            "description": "Cyclic esters of hydroxy carboxylic acids, containing a 1-oxacycloalkan-2-one structure. Large cyclic lactones of over a dozen atoms are MACROLIDES."
            "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000497",
            "name": "Polyketides",
            "mesh_id": "D061065",
            "mesh_tree_numbers": [
            "atc_code": null,
            "atc_level": null,
            "synonyms": [
            "description": "Natural compounds containing alternating carbonyl and methylene groups (beta-polyketones), bioenergenetically derived from repeated condensation of ace..."

Returns an array of categories which are parents of the specified category. Accepts the source parameter to limit relationships. By default this will return all parents.

This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Requests




URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the category to retrieve the child categories.
ATC_CODE The ATC Code of the category to retrieve the child categories.
MESH_ID The unique MeSH identifier of the category to retrieve the child categories.

View Children of a Category

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000944",
    "name": "Anthelmintics",
    "mesh_id": "D000871",
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [
    "atc_code": "P02",
    "atc_level": 2,
    "categorization_kinds": [
    "synonyms": [
    "description": "Agents destructive to parasitic worms. They are used therapeutically in the treatment of HELMINTHIASIS in man and animal."
    "drugbank_id": "DBCAT002211",
    "name": "Antiprotozoal Agents",
    "mesh_id": "D000981",
    "mesh_tree_numbers": [
    "atc_code": "P01",
    "atc_level": 2,
    "categorization_kinds": [
    "synonyms": [
      "Agents Against Protozoal Diseases",
      "Agents, Antiprotozoal",
    "description": "Substances that are destructive to protozoans."

Returns an array of categories which are children of the specified category. Accepts the source parameter to limit relationships. By default this will return all parents.

This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Requests




URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the category to retrieve the child categories.
ATC_CODE The ATC Code of the category to retrieve the child categories.
MESH_ID The unique MeSH identifier of the category to retrieve the child categories.

Get Drugs in a Category

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DB01303",
    "name": "Oxtriphylline",
    "cas_number": "4499-40-5",
    "annotation_status": "complete",
    "availability_by_region": [
        "region": "ca",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": true,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
        "region": "us",
        "max_phase": 0,
        "marketed_prescription": false,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
    "description": "Oxtriphylline is the choline salt form of [theophylline]...",
    "simple_description": "A medication used to treat conditions in the lungs causing difficulty breathing, such as asthma and inflammation.",
    "clinical_description": "A bronchodilator used for the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, COPD, and emphysema.",
    "synonyms": [
      "Choline theophyllinate",
      "Choline theophylline",
    "pharmacology": {
      "indication_description": "Used to treat the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, COPD, and emphysema.",
      "pharmacodynamic_description": "Oxtriphylline is a bronchodilator...",
      "mechanism_of_action_description": "Oxtriphylline is a choline salt of theophylline...",
      "absorption": "After ingestion, theophylline is released from oxytriphylline in the acidic environment of the stomach. ",
      "protein_binding": "With a serum concentrations of 17 mcg/mL, adults and children have about 56% theophylline bound to plasma protein, and premature infants have about 36%...",
      "volume_of_distribution": [
        "Theophylline has an apparent volume of distribution of 0..."
      "clearance": [
        "Theophylline has an average clearance in children (over 6 months) of 1.45 mL/kg per minute, and in healthy, nonsmoking adults of 0.65 mL/kg per hour."
      "half_life": "The serum half life varies greatly between patients and in age...",
      "route_of_elimination": "The kidneys are the main route of elimination for both theophylline and its metabolites, but some unchanged theophylline is eliminated in the feces.",
      "toxicity_description": "Symptoms of toxicity include abdominal pain (continuing or severe), confusion or change in behavior, convulsions (seizures), dark or bloody vomit, diar..."
    "food_interactions": [
      "Limit caffeine intake.",
      "Take with food. Food reduces irritation."
    "identifiers": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB01303",
      "inchi": "InChI=1S/C7H8N4O2.C5H14NO/c1-10-5-4(8-3-9-5)6(12)11(2)7(10)13;1-6(2,3)4-5-7/h3H,1-2H3,(H,8,9,12);7H,4-5H2,1-3H3/q;+1/p-1",
      "atc_codes": [
          "code": "R03DA20",
          "title": "combinations of xanthines",
          "combination": true
          "code": "R03DB02",
          "title": "choline theophyllinate and adrenergics",
          "combination": true
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003651",
        "name": "Respiratory Smooth Muscle Relaxants",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [],
        "description": null

Returns all drugs in this category.

This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Requests




URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The DrugBank ID of the category to retrieve the linked drugs.
ATC_CODE The ATC Code of the category to retrieve the linked drugs.
MESH_ID The unique MeSH identifier of the category to retrieve the linked drugs.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
include_references false If true, includes the lists of references for each drug. See References for details.

Search Category Names / Autocomplete

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "categories": [
      "hits": [
          "field": "name",
          "value": "<em>Antimetabolites</em>"
      "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000276",
      "name": "Antimetabolites",
      "mesh_id": "D000963",
      "mesh_tree_numbers": [
      "atc_code": "L01B",
      "atc_level": 3,
      "categorization_kinds": [
      "synonyms": [],
      "description": "Drugs that are chemically similar to naturally occurring metabolites, but differ enough to interfere with normal metabolic pathways..."

This endpoint returns a list of categories suitable for use with autocomplete forms, for quickly finding the right categories. Note that this search is for DrugBank categories and will not include results for ATC or Mesh categories that don’t map to a corresponding DrugBank category.

This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q null The string you want to search with.
fuzzy false If set to true, enable fuzzy search (see fuzzy searching below).

Notice the hits array returned in the results. The hits contain highlighted snippets from the match. You can use these highlights in autocomplete applications. The matching part of the text is wrapped in an <em> tag, which you can style as you wish in your application.

Fuzzy Searching

This example demonstrates a misspelling of “Antimetabolite”, with fuzzy search enabled you will still get a result (try it yourself!).

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Fuzzy searching allows for misspellings, but is not enabled by default, you must set fuzzy=true. By setting fuzzy=true you are telling the API to allow a certain number of misspellings to still count as a match (defaults to 2). You can also pass a number of misspellings (0, 1, or 2) in to tailor the likelihood of a match (for example, fuzzy=1 will allow 1 misspelled letter).

Adverse Effects

Common Query Parameter Values

When specified, the parameters listed in the table below can be used with the following values:

Parameter Value Description
more null No effect - adverse effects are returned based solely on the names of conditions.
more specific Include adverse effects for more specific forms of the conditions matching the q parameter.
more general Include adverse effects for more general forms of the conditions matching the q parameter.

Search adverse effects

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Donislecel",
      "drugbank_id": "DB17961"
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [
    "dose_strength": [],
    "evidence_type": [
    "trial_name": [],
    "regions": "US",
    "age_groups": [
    "min_age": {
      "amount": 21,
      "unit": "year"
    "max_age": {
      "amount": 67,
      "unit": "year"
    "incidences": [
        "kind": "experimental",
        "name": "LANTIDRA",
        "percent": "20-90"
    "effect": {
      "name": "Palpitations",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0007623",
      "meddra_id": "pt/10033557",
      "snomed_id": "d/252438011",
      "icd10_id": "c/R00.2"
    "patient_characteristics": [
        "name": "Hypoglycemia Unawareness",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0031993",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10020997",
        "snomed_id": "d/3038723019"
        "name": "Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus",
        "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0029465",
        "meddra_id": "llt/10045228",
        "snomed_id": "d/4571145011",
        "icd10_id": "c/E10.8"

This endpoint searches for conditions, and then returns adverse effects related to those conditions. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q “” Text used to search conditions by name.
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
exact false Determines how text results are matched. exact=true will not include partial matches such as ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’ for the query ‘arthritis’.

Get drugs linked to an adverse effect condition

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drugbank_id": "DB08911",
    "name": "Trametinib",
    "cas_number": "871700-17-3",
    "annotation_status": "complete",
    "availability_by_region": [
        "region": "ca",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
        "region": "us",
        "max_phase": 4,
        "marketed_prescription": true,
        "generic_available": false,
        "pre_market_cancelled": false,
        "post_market_cancelled": false
    "description": "Trametinib is an orally bioavailable mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 (MEK1) and MEK2 inhibitor...",
    "simple_description": "A chemotherapy drug used to treat specific types of cancer with certain genetic mutations, such as skin cancer, lung cancer, and thyroid cancer.",
    "clinical_description": "A kinase inhibitor used alone or in combination with dabrafenib to treat patients with cancers with specific BRAF mutations, such as melanoma and non-s...",
    "synonyms": [
    "pharmacology": {
      "indication_description": "Trametinib is indicated as monotherapy for the treatment of BRAF-inhibitor treatment-naïve patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma with BRAF ...",
      "pharmacodynamic_description": "Trametinib inhibits cell growth of various BRAF V600 mutation-positive tumours _in vitro_ and _in vivo_...",
      "mechanism_of_action_description": "The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) pathway, also known as the RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK pathway, activates ...",
      "absorption": "Following oral administration, trametinib is rapidly and readily absorbed...",
      "protein_binding": "Trametinib is 97.4% bound to human plasma proteins.[L45558]",
      "volume_of_distribution": [
        "The apparent volume of distribution (V<sub>c</sub>/F) is 214 L.[L45558]"
      "clearance": [
        "The apparent clearance is 4.9 L/h.[L45558]"
      "half_life": "The estimated elimination half-life is 3.9 to 4.8 days.[L45558]",
      "route_of_elimination": "Following oral administration of [<sup>14</sup>C]-trametinib, greater than 80% of excreted radioactivity was recovered in the feces while less than 20%...",
      "toxicity_description": "There is no information regarding the acute toxicity (LD<sub>50</sub>) of trametinib..."
    "food_interactions": [
      "Take separate from meals..."
    "identifiers": {
      "drugbank_id": "DB08911",
      "inchi": "InChI=1S/C26H23FIN5O4/c1-13-22-21(23(31(3)24(13)35)30-20-10-7-15(28)11-19(20)27)25(36)33(17-8-9-17)26(37)32(22)18-6-4-5-16(12-18)29-14(2)34/h4-7,10-12,...",
      "atc_codes": [
          "code": "L01EE01",
          "title": "trametinib",
          "combination": false
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT003325",
        "name": "Kinase Inhibitor",
        "mesh_id": null,
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [],
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [
          "Kinase Inhibitors"
        "description": null

This endpoint retrieves drugs linked to a condition via adverse effects.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
include_references false If true, includes the lists of references for each drug. See References for details.

Get products linked to an adverse effect condition

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "ndc_product_code": "00338-9572",
    "originator_ndc_product_code": "0338-9572",
    "dpd_id": null,
    "ema_product_code": null,
    "ema_ma_number": null,
    "pzn": null,
    "co_product_id": null,
    "tr_product_id": null,
    "it_product_id": null,
    "my_product_id": null,
    "at_product_id": null,
    "idn_product_id": null,
    "th_product_id": null,
    "sg_product_id": null,
    "mx_registration_id": null,
    "mx_product_id": null,
    "name": "Bivalirudin in 0.9% Sodium Chloride",
    "prescribable_name": "Bivalirudin 25 mg/5mL Injection",
    "rx_norm_prescribable_name": "bivalirudin 250 MG in 50 ML Injection",
    "started_marketing_on": "2017-12-21",
    "ended_marketing_on": null,
    "approved_on": null,
    "schedule": null,
    "dosage_form": "Injection",
    "route": "Intravenous",
    "application_number": "NDA208374",
    "generic": false,
    "otc": false,
    "approved": true,
    "country": "US",
    "mixture": false,
    "allergenic": false,
    "cosmetic": false,
    "vaccine": false,
    "ingredients": [
        "name": "Bivalirudin",
        "drugbank_id": "DB00006",
        "strength": {
          "number": "250",
          "unit": "mg/50mL"
    "therapeutic_categories": [
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000007",
        "name": "Anticoagulants",
        "mesh_id": "D000925",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": null,
        "atc_level": null,
        "synonyms": [
          "Agents, Anticoagulant",
        "description": "Agents that prevent clotting."
        "drugbank_id": "DBCAT000012",
        "name": "Antithrombins",
        "mesh_id": "D000991",
        "mesh_tree_numbers": [
        "atc_code": "B01AE",
        "atc_level": 4,
        "synonyms": [
          "Antithrombins, Direct",
          "Direct Antithrombins",
        "description": "Endogenous factors and drugs that directly inhibit the action of THROMBIN, usually by blocking its enzymatic activity..."
    "labeller": {
      "name": "Baxter Healthcare Corporation"
    "images": []

This endpoint retrieves products linked to a condition via adverse effects.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of the condition to retrieve.

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
more null Determines how to broaden the condition search results. The original results will be included regardless of the value of this parameter.
include_simple_desc false If set to true, include simple descriptions for the product ingredients.
include_clinical_desc false If set to true, include clinical descriptions for the product ingredients.

Boxed Warnings

Search boxed warning

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

    "drug": {
      "name": "Abiraterone",
      "drugbank_id": "DB05812"
    "kind": "warning",
    "recommendation": "Use caution in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease.",
    "lab_values": [],
    "route": [
    "dose_form": [],
    "risk": {
      "name": "Cardiovascular Events",
      "drugbank_id": "DBCOND0048671",
      "snomed_id": "d/2157405016",
      "icd10_id": "c/I24.9"

This endpoint searches for conditions, and then returns boxed warnings related to those conditions. This endpoint supports pagination.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
q “” Text used to search conditions by name.
exact false Determines how text results are matched. exact=true will not include partial matches such as ‘Rheumatoid Arthritis’ for the query ‘arthritis’.


Get a specific U.S. package

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "package_ndc_code": "50580-0111-08",
  "originator_package_ndc_code": "50580-111-08",
  "description": "240 mL LIQUID IN 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC",
  "full_description": "240 mL LIQUID IN 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC",
  "amount": "240",
  "unit": "mL",
  "form": "BOTTLE, PLASTIC",
  "for_product": {
    "ndc_product_code": "50580-0111",
    "originator_ndc_product_code": "50580-111",
    "name": "Tylenol Extra Strength",
    "active_ingredients": [
        "name": "Acetaminophen",
        "unii": "362O9ITL9D",
        "strength_number": "500",
        "strength_unit": "mg/15mL"
    "inactive_ingredients": [
        "name": "anhydrous citric acid",
        "unii": "XF417D3PSL",
        "strength_number": null,
        "strength_unit": null
        "name": "D&C Red NO. 33",
        "unii": "9DBA0SBB0L",
        "strength_number": null,
        "strength_unit": null
  "packaging_tree": [
      "package_ndc_code": "50580-0111-08",
      "originator_package_ndc_code": "50580-111-08",
      "description": "240 mL LIQUID IN 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC",
      "amount": "240",
      "unit": "mL",
      "form": "BOTTLE, PLASTIC"

Some packages contain multiple levels, shown in the packaging_tree attribute:

    "package_ndc_code": "75834-0130-84",
    "description": "28 in 1 BLISTER PACK",
    "amount": "28",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "BLISTER PACK",
    "for_product": {
      "name": "..."
    "packaging_tree": [
            "package_ndc_code": "75834-0130-29",
            "description": "3 in 1 CARTON",
            "amount": "3",
            "unit": "1",
            "form": "CARTON",
            "content": {
                "package_ndc_code": "75834-0130-84",
                "description": "28 in 1 BLISTER PACK",
                "amount": "28",
                "unit": "1",
                "form": "BLISTER PACK"

Some packages are kits containing multiple parts. In this case the returning JSON will contain a parts array:

    "package_ndc_code": "68405-0018-06",
    "description": "1 in 1 KIT",
    "amount": "1",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "KIT",
    "for_product": {
        "name": "..."
    "parts": [
            "number": 1,
            "ndc_product_code": "52959-0190",
            "name": "NAPROXEN",
            "route": "ORAL",
            "amount": "60",
            "unit": "1",
            "dosage_form": "TABLET",
            "marketing_category": "ANDA",
            "application_number": "ANDA075927",
            "packaging_tree": [
                    "package_ndc_code": "52959-0190-30",
                    "description": "60 in 1 BOTTLE",
                    "amount": "60",
                    "unit": "1",
                    "form": "BOTTLE"
            "active_ingredients": [
                    "name": "NAPROXEN",
                    "unii": "57Y76R9ATQ",
                    "strength_number": "250",
                    "strength_unit": "mg/1"
            "inactive_ingredients": [
                    "name": "CROSCARMELLOSE SODIUM",
                    "unii": "M28OL1HH48",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
                    "name": "POVIDONE",
                    "unii": "FZ989GH94E",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
                    "name": "MAGNESIUM STEARATE",
                    "unii": "70097M6I30",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
            "number": 2,
            "ndc_product_code": null,
            "name": "Theramine",
            "route": "ORAL",
            "amount": "90",
            "unit": "1",
            "dosage_form": "CAPSULE",
            "marketing_category": "MEDICAL FOOD",
            "application_number": null,
            "packaging_tree": [
                    "package_ndc_code": null,
                    "description": "90 in 1 BOTTLE",
                    "amount": "90",
                    "unit": "1",
                    "form": "BOTTLE"
            "active_ingredients": [
                    "name": ".GAMMA.-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID",
                    "unii": "2ACZ6IPC6I",
                    "strength_number": "100",
                    "strength_unit": "mg/1"
            "inactive_ingredients": [
                    "name": "MAGNESIUM STEARATE",
                    "unii": "70097M6I30",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
                    "name": "CELLULOSE, MICROCRYSTALLINE",
                    "unii": "OP1R32D61U",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
                    "name": "MALTODEXTRIN",
                    "unii": "7CVR7L4A2D",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
                    "name": "GELATIN",
                    "unii": "2G86QN327L",
                    "strength_number": null,
                    "strength_unit": null
    "packaging_tree": [
            "package_ndc_code": "68405-0018-06",
            "description": "1 in 1 KIT",
            "amount": "1",
            "unit": "1",
            "form": "KIT"

A package that is found in kits will have a part_of array to reference the kits. Some packages are only found in kits; those packages will have a for_part attribute in place of the for_product attribute:

    "package_ndc_code": "52959-0190-30",
    "description": "60 in 1 BOTTLE",
    "amount": "60",
    "unit": "1",
    "form": "BOTTLE",
    "for_part": {
        "ndc_product_code": "52959-0190",
        "name": "NAPROXEN",
        "active_ingredients": [
                "name": "NAPROXEN",
                "unii": "57Y76R9ATQ",
                "strength_number": "250",
                "strength_unit": "mg/1"
        "inactive_ingredients": [
                "name": "CROSCARMELLOSE SODIUM",
                "unii": "M28OL1HH48",
                "strength_number": null,
                "strength_unit": null
                "name": "POVIDONE",
                "unii": "FZ989GH94E",
                "strength_number": null,
                "strength_unit": null
                "name": "MAGNESIUM STEARATE",
                "unii": "70097M6I30",
                "strength_number": null,
                "strength_unit": null
    "packaging_tree": [
            "package_ndc_code": "52959-0190-30",
            "description": "60 in 1 BOTTLE",
            "amount": "60",
            "unit": "1",
            "form": "BOTTLE"
    "part_of": [
            "package_ndc_code": "68405-0018-06",
            "description": "1 in 1 KIT",
            "product": {
                "ndc_product_code": "68405-0018",
                "name": "Theraproxen-90"
            "package_ndc_code": "68405-0016-36",
            "description": "1 in 1 KIT",
            "product": {
                "ndc_product_code": "68405-0016",
                "name": "Trepoxen-250"
            "package_ndc_code": "68405-0180-06",
            "description": "1 in 1 KIT",
            "product": {
                "ndc_product_code": "68405-0180",
                "name": "Theraproxen"

This endpoint retrieves a specific package based on Local Product ID.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
LOCAL_PRODUCT_ID The Local Product ID of the package to retrieve.

Get the most current FDA label for a package

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "id": "5a42290a-810c-427c-a406-2df70a02c372",
  "set_id": "81f3847f-99e8-4ff3-ad18-f8b8e1c54238",
  "version": 1,
  "current": true,
  "title": "Tylenol Extra Strength - Acetaminophen LIQUID",
  "product_type": "HUMAN OTC DRUG LABEL",
  "effective_on": "2012-12-10",
  "labeler_name": "McNeil Consumer Healthcare Div. McNeil-PPC, Inc",
  "drugbank_status": "processed",
  "first_product_marketing_started_on": "1998-04-01",
  "last_product_marketing_ended_on": "2012-10-31",
  "pmg_section_count": 6,
  "hpi_section_count": 10,
  "sli_section_count": 2,
  "all_section_count": 17,
  "abuse": null,
  "accessories": null,
  "active_ingredient": "<section id=\"section-2\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"55106-9\"><h1>Active ingredient (in each 15 mL = 1 tablespoon)</h1>\n<div class=\"conte...",
  "adverse_reactions": null,
  "alarms": null,
  "animal_pharmacology_and_or_toxicology": null,
  "ask_doctor": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "ask_doctor_or_pharmacist": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "assembly_or_installation_instructions": null,
  "boxed_warning": null,
  "calibration_instructions": null,
  "carcinogenesis_and_mutagenesis_and_impairment_of_fertility": null,
  "cleaning": null,
  "clinical_pharmacology": null,
  "clinical_studies": null,
  "compatible_accessories": null,
  "components": null,
  "contraindications": null,
  "controlled_substance": null,
  "dependence": null,
  "description": null,
  "diagram_of_device": null,
  "disposal_and_waste_handling": null,
  "do_not_use": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "dosage_and_administration": "<section id=\"section-6\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34068-7\"><h1>Directions</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\">\n<ul class=\"sq...",
  "dosage_forms_and_strengths": null,
  "drug_abuse_and_dependence": null,
  "drug_interactions": null,
  "drug_and_or_laboratory_test_interactions": null,
  "environmental_warning": null,
  "food_safety_warning": null,
  "general_precautions": null,
  "geriatric_use": null,
  "guaranteed_analysis_of_feed": null,
  "health_care_provider_letter": null,
  "health_claim": null,
  "how_supplied": null,
  "inactive_ingredient": "<section id=\"section-8\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"51727-6\"><h1>Inactive ingredients</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p>a...",
  "indications_and_usage": "<section id=\"section-4\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34067-9\"><h1>Uses</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><ul class=\"square\">\n...",
  "information_for_owners_or_caregivers": null,
  "information_for_patients": null,
  "instructions_for_use": null,
  "intended_use_of_the_device": null,
  "keep_out_of_reach_of_children": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "labor_and_delivery": null,
  "laboratory_tests": null,
  "mechanism_of_action": null,
  "microbiology": null,
  "nonclinical_toxicology": null,
  "nonteratogenic_effects": null,
  "nursing_mothers": null,
  "other_safety_information": null,
  "overdosage": null,
  "package_label_principal_display_panel": "<section id=\"section-10\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"51945-4\"><h1>PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\">...",
  "patient_medication_information": null,
  "pediatric_use": null,
  "pharmacodynamics": null,
  "pharmacogenomics": null,
  "pharmacokinetics": null,
  "precautions": null,
  "pregnancy": null,
  "pregnancy_or_breast_feeding": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "purpose": "<section id=\"section-3\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"55105-1\"><h1>Purpose</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p>Pain reliever/...",
  "questions": "<section id=\"section-9\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"53413-1\"><h1>Questions or comments?</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p...",
  "recent_major_changes": null,
  "references": null,
  "residue_warning": null,
  "risks": null,
  "route": null,
  "safe_handling_warning": null,
  "spl_indexing_data_elements": null,
  "spl_medguide": null,
  "spl_patient_package_insert": null,
  "spl_product_data_elements": null,
  "spl_unclassified": "<section id=\"section-1\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"42229-5\"><div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><p><span class=\"bold italics\">Drug...",
  "statement_of_identity": null,
  "stop_use": "<section id=\"section-5...",
  "storage_and_handling": "<section id=\"section-7\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"44425-7\"><h1>Other information</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\"><ul cla...",
  "summary_of_safety_and_effectiveness": null,
  "teratogenic_effects": null,
  "troubleshooting": null,
  "use_in_specific_populations": null,
  "user_safety_warnings": null,
  "warnings": "<section id=\"section-5\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34071-1\"><h1>Warnings</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"\">\n<section id=\"se...",
  "warnings_and_cautions": null,
  "when_using": null

This endpoint retrieves the most current FDA label for a package, based on NDC package ID.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
content_format html Format to return for section content from label, either html (default) or text.


Get a specific label

curl -L '' 
-H 'Authorization: myapikey'

Example command returns JSON structured like this (results may be abbreviated):

  "id": "77c79fcb-5b96-4a4f-8ce9-1603d39cb037",
  "set_id": "51abd2ce-6be1-412d-b806-5f24935ac5e3",
  "version": 17,
  "current": false,
  "title": "Zidovudine - Zidovudine SYRUP",
  "effective_on": "2019-09-19",
  "labeler_name": "Aurobindo Pharma Limited",
  "drugbank_status": "archived",
  "first_product_marketing_started_on": "2005-09-19",
  "last_product_marketing_ended_on": null,
  "pmg_section_count": 1,
  "hpi_section_count": 19,
  "sli_section_count": 8,
  "all_section_count": 27,
  "abuse": null,
  "accessories": null,
  "active_ingredient": null,
  "adverse_reactions": "<section id=\"section-6\" class=\"content-section\" data-section-code=\"34084-4\"><h1>6 ADVERSE REACTIONS</h1>\n<div class=\"content-section-inner\" id=\"Section...",
  "alarms": null,
  "animal_pharmacology_and_or_toxicology": null,
  "ask_doctor": null,
  "ask_doctor_or_pharmacist": null,
  "assembly_or_installation_instructions": null,
  "boxed_warning": "<section id=\"boxed-warning\" data-section-code=\"34066-1\" class=\"content-section\"><h1>Boxed Warning</h1>\n<div class=\"boxed-warning-section\">\n<h2>WARNING:...",
  "calibration_instructions": null,